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Italy Unibo COER - Mapping the context

1. Welcome/Overview

Welcom image/video  - many hands

Live versions of these COERs as accredited modules in an International Masters Degree on Assets Based Interprofessional Working with Communities coming soon!

The purpose of the resource

The purpose of this collaborative resource is to introduce learners to context analysis methodologies consistent with an assets based approach, through the practical experimentation of a mapping tool built in collaboration with Italian stakeholders working with adolescents. It is important to identify the resources that a context has to offer and that these assets are used and exchanged: the tool allows to share knowledge on the resources available in the context and on community assets by displaying them visually in a schematic and simple way.

In the first part, you will find a Prezi Presentation that introduces you to the concept of “context” (see "Understanding context: a look to the theory"), its levels and methods of analysis. This will allow you to deepen your basic knowledge of context analysis according to an asset based approach.

In the second part, we will provide the description of a case study from Forlì in Italy: the Dreamcatcher (“Acchiappasogni”) Project. Through the excerpts of the interviews conducted with the operators, we will introduce you to the Maps of Dreamcatcher project that we developed with operators. Then you will be introduced to "Mapping the Context Tool", a Prezi Presentation that describes a context analysis methodology based on the good practice developed by Dreamcatcher operators to facilitate the collaboration with the Adolescence Network of Forlì. Such methodology helps operators to analyze the context where they work in order to identify the opportunities and resources it offers and to collaborate for the shared goal of improving adolescents’ well being. A series of stimulus questions will help you to reflect on your learning journey and on the usefulness of the context analysis methodology that we have proposed. In the Prezi Presentation you will find some guidelines that will allow you to put into practice step by step the proposed tool with the aim of analyzing and creating a map of Come Out Project, the other Italian stakeholder, and then of your own context (project, intervention, etc.). The 'Assets based Collaborative Open Educational Resources' have been created through a collaborative process that we would like to extend to all interested users.

What you will get from working through this resource

In this COER you will learn the basics of the context analysis through the experimentation of a mapping path to be carried out first individually with the aid of an exemplary case study and then, by involving your working group, you will be able to apply the tool in your specific context (project, intervention, etc.). This tool allows you to highlight the resources and potential present in the context you are analysing, activate a process of reflection in your working group with respect to the links you have created with the community and to have a graphic scheme that represents your reference network. You will use the stimulus material to reflect on the results of the context analysis based on the exploitation of resources and on the participation of community actors to think about how to apply them in an original way in other contexts.

We would greatly appreciate any feedback from you about your general impressions and experience of our course content and ask if you could answer two short questions. The answers you give will be used to improve the quality of our educational content. If you agree to answer the questions please click on the link.

(You can complete the quick one-minute feedback questionnaire now or in the summary section at the end of the course.) 

Quick one minute feedback