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During module studies

2. Encourage peer discussion

The speed and frequency with which you engage with a discussion forum can impact student behaviour and their SoB. A quick comment can make the student feel valued and noticed – and belonging. But responding too quickly to the substance of a posting can foster tutor-dependency, while responding too slowly (or not at all) can of course leave students feeling neglected and lead to a decline in engagement, particularly if posting is not aligned to assessment. Consider the usefulness of speedy, short, facilitative comments: “Hey, that’s an interesting point.  What do others think about this?”

Example: Patrick responded to each student query within 24 hours, often minutes during work hours, feeling that was good for the student experience. A colleague recommended he delay to 72 hours. He did so, and noticed students starting to respond to each other’s questions, giving peer support. He still monitored the board, posting more quickly if incorrect information was given; but even here peers would often correct each other. He found instead his posts could be light feedback e.g. highlighting a good point made, or asking a follow-on question.