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Course Information & Syllabus

1. Course Info

1.2. Course Format & Features

Course Format

The course includes 4 units which each include a number of lesson in order to breakdown each unit's concepts in an easy to understand display. They go as listed:





Course Features

This course includes the following features and these are their functions:

  • LECTURES (Worth 5 points each)
    Lecture are videos that you will be required to watch. These videos can range from 2 minutes to a couple hours so be sure to set aside enough time to watch them. Now, you are obviously able to watch the videos given however, there will also be a reading linked with each video that will go over the exact same concepts, if you decide you learn and retain the information better watching a lecture rather than reading the material yourself. Regardless of your preferred method of learning, you may find it extremely beneficial in the long run to take notes on the lectures.

  • CHECK-IN QUIZZES (1 point per each correct answer)
    Check-In quizzes are mini tests that contain just a few quick multiple-choice questions which serve the purpose of checking your understanding of the lecture reading you just read beforehand. If you took notes during the lecture, this could be helpful when taking these as you're allowed to use your notes during the check-in quizzes.

  • HELP SESSIONS (Worth 5 points each)
    Help sessions are videos that you are required to watch before you attempt the practice problem assignments. The purpose of help sessions are to go over the concepts that will be addressed on the practice problems. They are similar to lectures in the way that they also contain a reading going over the same concept, however they are much shorter videos and require less time to watch.

  • PRACTICE PROBLEMS (1 point per each correct answer)
    Practice problems serve as your assignments or "homework." You will have one for each lesson. These practice problems are different from check-in quizzes in the way that you only have to do them after you have learned everything you can for that lesson and they are not multiple-choice. You, however, are still allowed to use your notes (if you took them) for this assignment. Practice problems are self-graded, so please be honest when grading yourself. You gain nothing from cheating or marking an answer as right when it was wrong, as your grade in this course is for you only, so it's best to be as honest as possible in order to gauge how well you actually did once you've completed the course.

  • USEFUL LINKS (Each link worth 1 point)
    Useful links are completely optional assignments but they also count as extra credit, which can be great if you have a check-in quiz, practice problem assignment, or previous final exam that you didn't do that well on. Useful links consist of readings, videos, or some other activity.

  • FINAL EXAMS (1 point per each correct answer)
    Final exams are the tests you take at the end of each unit to gauge how well you understood the concepts you've learned. You are NOT allowed to use your notes so it is recommended you go over all the notes you have taken before you open the exam. Feel free to also go over your practice problem assignments or any check-in quizzes to review the concepts before taking the exam. The final exams are also self-graded so please be honest. Again, there is nothing to gain from cheating or lying about your score.