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Course Summary and Assessment

Site: OpenLearn Create
Course: Designing an online course for women learners
Book: Course Summary and Assessment
Printed by: Guest user
Date: Monday, 20 January 2025, 7:21 PM

1. End of course assessment

Allow about 25 minutes for this session overall

To test your understanding of the course and claim your certificate you will now complete a quiz. You must obtain a score of at least 50% to qualify for the badge. The quiz has six questions. 

Some of the questions have more than one answer, in which case you will get part of the marks for any correct answer. Other questions have one answer choice only.

There is no limit to the number of attempts at the whole quiz.

If you get less than 50% you will need to start again if you want to earn your badge.

If you are not successful the first time, you can attempt the quiz again until you pass.

When you have finished the quiz, click on “Finish attempt” to review your ‘Summary of attempt’. Once you are happy with your answers ‘Submit all and finish’.

Grading method: Highest grade

Now complete the quiz by clicking on End-of-course-quiz

2. Next steps in designing online courses

Congratulations on completing this course. Take some time to create a plan or identify the steps you can take to continue to develop your skills in producing online courses in future.

Completing the quiz also helps you to discover some of the principles and good practice involved in building quiz questions for online assessment purposes. Essay questions can impossible to administer in an online course which has no teachers. Devising a quiz which engages and retains the interest of learners without asking them to write essay type answers becomes useful in assessing learners.

For those who want to study develop their knowledge and skills in producing and uploading their online courses on a platform you should consider studying this free Open University course on How to make an open online course.

Course Acknowledgements