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Week 3: Everyone can do something

6. Challenges in inclusive teaching and learning

In Week 1 you heard Daniel explain his vision for inclusive teaching. Implementing this vision is demanding, but hopefully by breaking the problem down and thinking in terms of the continua introduced in Week 2, you can see ways in which you can make progress along the continua by introducing small changes in your practice. This could include open questioning, more group work and pair work, organising peer support and so on – strategies that have been exemplified this week. In the next activity you will hear Lydia talking about the challenges in implementing inclusive education.

Activity 3.6 The challenges of inclusive education

Allow approximately 15 mins for this activity.

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Listen to Lydia talking about the challenges of inclusive education in Kenya.  As you listen, summarise the four points that she makes in your study notebook. 

Reflecting on your own context, to what extent would you agree with Lydia?

This course is designed to highlight the skills, attitudes and values all teachers need to develop as effective, empathetic and encouraging practitioners, able to help all learners learn. In the second course in this series there will be more information on assessment and information sharing, and on organising on-going school-based training for inclusive teaching and learning. In the next section, however, the focus is on the specific inclusivity challenges that teachers face.