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Week 3: Everyone can do something

7. Tackling specific inclusivity challenges

7.2. Everyone can do something …

Inclusive teaching requires practice and careful planning. In this section you have been introduced to some key principles and concepts that will help you to develop as an inclusive practitioner and to help others do so. In the final activity below, you will watch a film taken in South Africa. This teacher has four learners with ADHD. This is an invisible condition in that the children have no obvious physical issues, but they find it difficult to concentrate and can get frustrated very easily.

The teacher in the film refers to the fact that she collaborates with colleagues to help her support these children (Wave 2 in the model), but as you will see from the film, there is also a great deal that she can do on her own in her classroom to support the learning of these children.

Activity 3.8 Supporting learners with specific needs in a mainstream classroom

Allow approximately 30 mins for this activity.

  1. Watch the following video from 3:50 to 6:12: 

    As you watch, write down in your notebook all the strategies that the teacher uses to support the learners with ADHD. Which of these will also benefit the other learners in the class? 

  2. Reflect on your own experience of learning and teaching. Think of a learner with a specific learning disability that you have encountered and identify two ways in which that learner could be supported in a normal classroom. Write a short post on the Week 3 forum stating the learning need and the actions that were/could be taken.