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Introduction to participatory techniques

4. Interview

Illustration of someone interviewing another person with a microphone

What is it?
  • One-to-one conversation between two people, where the interviewer asks pre-defined questions. Normally, the same questions are asked in the same order to several different people in order to compare the answers and gather rich and complete information on a topic.

When to use it?
  • During the process of community engagement: when precise and in-depth information from single participants is needed, with the objective of comparing answers.
  • At the end of the process of community engagement: to evaluate the project.

Number of people
  • 2 people

  • Ideally maximum 1 hour.

  • The range and depth of information: by comparing how different people answer we gain information of different ideas and perspectives.
  • The information can be compared with information gathered in the focus group discussions.
  • More intimate, less intimidating, allows people to express their position without being afraid of getting in conflict with other people.

  • Only one person's perspective.
  • Interviewees and interviewers can get carried away and not necessarily answer the question.
  • Time consuming.