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About Digital Health and Care

What technologies are you talking about?

Graphic of a smartphone. Graphic of a laptop with an arrow in the middle of the screen.

  • Apps (mobile applications) are programmes that you use on your smartphone. They can fulfil a huge range of tasks. 
  • Wearables are devices that you can wear on your wrist, around your neck or even on your shoes and ankles. They usually track steps, heart rate and other activities you might take part in. More advanced examples include patches that can analyse chemicals within your body. 
  • Online programmes and websites are resources that you would access through a browser. Examples of browsers include Google Chrome, Safari, Edge and Firefox. These work on any devices that can access the web. This includes computers, laptops, smartphones, tablets and even some e-Readers (such as Kindles). You do not need to install anything on your device to use them. 
  • Sensors and home aids are devices that you can install in your home. These can help with everyday living or in emergency situations. They include bed pressure sensors that can detect when you get in or out of bed. They also include smart energy meters, alarms, movement sensors, smoke, gas and flood detectors or fall detectors. 
  • Environmental Control Systems are devices that can be installed in the home. They assist individuals to control everyday equipment and devices. This includes TVs, phones, doors and many more.  
  • Telemonitoring tools can help you avoid going into a hospital or GP practice for routine checks. Instead, they let you take your own readings. You can then send them to your health professional through a text or online. This is common for blood pressure monitoring, for example.

This course divides tools into three categories, depending on their uses rather than the technology: 

We will cover more about each of these categories in later sections of this guide.