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Everything You Need To Get You Started on OpenLearn

13. Working With Your Learners

13.6. Keeping Your Learners Motivated

Keep on keeping on

Anyone taking on a course of any level and length will be doing so in the context of real life and even if things are going really well, it can at times be difficult to keep motivated. You will likely know what works best for your learners, however when discussing progress and motivation with your learners it may be helpful to support them to consider some of the following:

  • What’s going well with the course and what do you enjoy?
  • What have you achieved so far – did you think you would get even this far?
  • Have you found yourself using your new knowledge maybe in a chat with friends, or at work? Did you even note that you are already using what you have learned?
  • What could you change to help you feel better about the course e.g tidying your study space, changing things like working on it for shorter periods but more frequently
  • Remember to let people know if you are struggling with it, and talk through the challenges – even just having someone to listen can help
  • Remember why you are doing this – what is your goal?
  • How are your rewarding yourself for taking on this challenge – set small achievable goals and give yourself a reward for achieving them.

Person sitting on sofa studying on a laptopPerson sitting on sofa studying on a laptop