1. Course and banner images and theme colour
Course and banner images and theme colour
In the new design for OpenLearn Create courses, you need to provide a course image and a banner image. These can be the same image but different sizes and proportions. The course image is 1.34 : 1 (width : height), i.e. 7 x 5 photo, and the banner image needs to be exactly 785 pixels (width) by 350 pixels (height). The course image is used in the free courses listing and in the course listing in your collection (if you create a collection). The banner image is used in the course just above the Course description and Course review tabs.
You can also choose to change the colour scheme of the OpenLearn Create header and footer, to match the colour scheme of the images you use in your course.
Adding the course and banner images and changing the theme colour is all done in the Edit settings form in your course.
Theme colours available:
- Default (red) #ae2241
- Red #a20b1e
- Purple #6e1b6e
- Pink #c90959
- Grey #776a5e
- Orange #be550d
- Green #317a41
- Teal #006064
- Blue #0f72c6
- Dark blue #2a4d7f
- Bright green #00991e
- Bright orange #fb5c47
- Bright blue #005792
Uploading the course banner image
- Go to the edit settings form and upload the banner image. Ensure you put in the correct author and copyright information for the image.
- Do the same steps for the course image (which is used in the free courses listing and on the course listing on your collection page if your course is going in a collection of courses).
- You will need to fill in some information about the image when uploading it, as explained in the following steps.
- Click on 'browse repositories' and the file picker will appear.
- Click on 'choose file' to browse your folders for the image file
- Update the author details (it will default to your name, which might not be correct)
- Choose the licence (using the dropdown box - the default is 'Creative Commons - No Commercial ShareAlike, the other alternative is 'All rights reserved').
Please note: this attribution information is displayed in the corner of the course image in the Free courses listing as a copyright icon which expands to display the attribution when clicked on, so if you haven't updated this information when you upload the image, the incorrect information will appear on the image - Click on 'Upload this file'
- Click on 'Save and display'