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Resources and Activities

Site: OpenLearn Create
Course: How to use OpenLearn Create
Book: Resources and Activities
Printed by: Guest user
Date: Saturday, 25 January 2025, 6:32 PM


There are various resource and activity types which can be added to a course/material/competition. Some of these are only available to you if you have the course manager or teacher role. Some resources and activities are pedagogically suitable for using in any course, while some can only be used in teacher/tutor supported courses. See the table on Pedagogical uses.

Pedagogical uses of current OpenLearn Create resource and activity tools

NameSuitable for free standing (no tutor) or Tutor supported
BookBoth free standing and tutor supported courses
FileBoth free standing and tutor supported courses
HeadingBoth free standing and tutor supported courses
LabelBoth free standing and tutor supported courses
PageBoth free standing and tutor supported courses
SubpageBoth free standing and tutor supported courses
URLBoth free standing and tutor supported courses
BlogTutor/author supported course only
ChoiceTutor/author supported course only
ForumTutor/author supported course only
GlossaryA simple non-collaborative version can be used in a free standing course, collaborative versions require tutor or course author support.
H5PBoth free standing and tutor supported courses
LessonTutor/author supported course only.
QuestionnaireMay be used in a free standing course which is being monitored by the author as a way of gathering feedback. Otherwise usually for a tutor supported course only.
QuizBoth free standing and tutor supported courses.
Very useful when providing evidence of learning for badged course.
SCORM packageBoth free standing and tutor supported courses
StudentQuizTutor/author supported course only
WikiTutor/author supported course only
WorkshopTutor/author supported course only