Book | Both free standing and tutor supported courses
File | Both free standing and tutor supported courses |
Heading | Both free standing and tutor supported courses |
Label | Both free standing and tutor supported courses |
Page | Both free standing and tutor supported courses |
Subpage | Both free standing and tutor supported courses |
URL | Both free standing and tutor supported courses |
Blog | Tutor/author supported course only
Choice | Tutor/author supported course only |
Forum | Tutor/author supported course only |
Glossary | A simple non-collaborative version can be used in a free standing course, collaborative versions require tutor or course author support.
H5P | Both free standing and tutor supported courses
Lesson | Tutor/author supported course only.
Questionnaire | May be used in a free standing course which is being monitored by the author as a way of gathering feedback. Otherwise usually for a tutor supported course only.
Quiz | Both free standing and tutor supported courses. Very useful when providing evidence of learning for badged course.
SCORM package | Both free standing and tutor supported courses
StudentQuiz | Tutor/author supported course only
Wiki | Tutor/author supported course only |
Workshop | Tutor/author supported course only |