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Training guide

Numeracy across the curriculum

Supporting learners to develop skills in numeracy is everyone’s responsibility. Being able to recognise and use number skills fluently is important for learners’ job prospects. Hence, teachers in ALL subjects should take any opportunity to show that numeracy is important and enable learners to practise using those skills in different contexts. Seeing numeracy outside the classroom makes its importance clear and offers opportunities to develop an understanding of numbers and to practise numeracy skills.

The resources in this course will help you to:

  • support learners to develop numeracy through active teaching and learning
  • support the learning of numeracy across different subjects
  • support learners to develop numeracy across different levels.

The activities in these resources are designed for you to try in your Teacher Group Meetings (TGMs) and then to use them in your lessons. The classroom examples in these resources will give you some ideas on how to adapt the activities for your lessons, and how to use active teaching and learning to develop numeracy skills.

The aim of these resources is not to show you how to TEACH numeracy, but to give ideas on how you can SUPPORT numeracy across the curriculum in your lessons. Work with your colleagues and discuss with them how you could adapt the ideas for different lessons. It is a good idea to keep a separate section in your Teacher Notebook, where you can write down any ideas you have and activities you try, and then share them with your colleagues in the TGMs. If you don’t feel very confident in your own numeracy skills, have a look at these TESSA Numeracy resources and try some of the activities with a colleague.