Rounding involves simplifying numbers, to make them easier to work with, for example when estimating. Numbers can be rounded to the nearest ten, hundred or thousand, for example, or to a fixed number of decimal places.
Numbers are rounded up or down to the chosen place value, depending on the digit to its right.
If the digit to the right is
Let's look at an example.
Round 2270 to the nearest 100.
Th | H | T | U |
2 | 2 | 7 | 0 |
The digit to the right of the hundreds column is 7.
This is higher than 5 so we round up.
The digit in the hundreds column (2) becomes 3.
The digits in the columns to the right become 0.
2270 rounded to the nearest 100 is 2300.
Round 45037 to the nearest thousand.
TTh | Th | H | T | U |
4 | 5 | 0 | 3 | 7 |
The digit to the right of the thousands column is 0, so we round down.
The digit in the thousands (5) column remains the same.
The digits to the right become 0.
So the answer is 45000.
When you are working with money, you will always work to two decimal places. For other decimals, with lots of numbers to the right of the decimal point, you may wish to simplify these to a certain number of places.
The process is similar to that described above for whole numbers, however when rounding has taken place, the digits to the right of the decimal place are discarded.
For example, if you are rounding to two decimal places, look at the third digit to the right of the decimal point.
If it is
Let's look at an example.
Round 22.325796 to one decimal place.
22.3 | 25796 |
The digit to the right of the first decimal place is 2, which is less than 5 so we round down.
The first decimal place digit (3) remains the same and the digits after this are discarded.
22.325796 becomes 22.3 when rounded to one decimal place.
Round 37.5275894 to two decimal places.
37.52 | 75894 |
The digit to the right of the second decimal place is 7, which is more than 5 so we round up.
The second decimal place digit (2) is increased by 1, to become 3, and the digits after this are discarded.
37.5275894 becomes 37.53 when rounded to two decimal places.
Rounding is useful for estimating, for example when you are shopping.
As you add items to your basket, it is easier to keep a running tally in your head if you round prices to the nearest pound.
For example,
Item | Price | Rounded to | Running total |
1 | £0.99 | £1 | £1 |
2 | £1.79 | £2 | £3 |
3 | £0.43 | £0 | £3 |
4 | £0.67 | £1 | £4 |
So the estimated cost of the items in the basket so far is £4.00.
The actual cost is £3.88, so not a bad estimate!
Estimate the cost of these items as you add them to your shopping basket by rounding them to the nearest pound and keeping a tally of the rounded prices as you go.
Item | Price | Rounded to | Running total |
1 | £3.99 | ||
2 | £1.76 | ||
3 | £1.43 | ||
4 | £1.99 | ||
5 | £0.67 |
OpenClipart-Vectors at Pixabay
Item | Price | Rounded to | Running total |
1 | £3.99 | £4 | £4 |
2 | £1.76 | £2 | £6 |
3 | £1.43 | £1 | £7 |
4 | £1.99 | £2 | £9 |
5 | £0.67 | £1 | £10 |
How did you get on?
Rounding as you added the items you should have estimated the total cost to be £10. The actual cost of £9.84 is slightly under the estimated cost.