Short division is a written method for dividing large numbers by a single digit number, or a two-digit number which is a familiar divisor, such as 12 (if you know your 12 times table).
Let's look at an example.
832 ÷ 8
The number to be divided (the dividend) is placed in a two-sided box, which looks a bit like a bus stop.
The number it is to be divided by (the divisor) sits just to the left.
Working from left to right, we divide each digit of the dividend by the divisor, placing the answer above the dividend.
8 ÷ 8 = 1, so we place 1 above the 8.
Moving to the right,
3 cannot by divided by 8, so we place a 0 above the 3, and carry 3 (3 x 10) across to the next digit on the right, to make 32.:
Now we can try dividing 32 by 8.
32 ÷ 8 = 4, so we write 4 above the 2:
832 ÷ 8 = 104