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Adding Activities

4. Custom Certificate

One of the functions which is enabled on OpenLearn Create is the Moodle Custom Certificate.

This allows you to set up a customised certificate of your preferred design, rather than using the standard Statement of Participation (a 2- or 3-page template which can include digital badges on the third page). You can add a second page to your custom certificate; however, it can be tricky to configure it.

While the Statement of Participation works based on setting up the Course Completion tracking (often based on Activity completion), the Moodle Custom Certificate uses the Restrictions feature (also based on Activity completion).

You need to have the Course Manager or Teacher role to be able to fully configure a Custom Moodle Certificate in OpenLearn Create, so will need to complete the Data Declaration form to get this role (please contact the OpenLearn create mailbox to request the form). 

It is possible to set up the custom certificate without a background layout, as some elements are for layout, however a background template design can save a lot of time when trying to produce a certificate with a consistent and professional appearance. The background template design can show all the static text, logos, branding, and design you want to appear on the certificate. Ideally you need three versions of the certificate background design which can help when setting up the certificate, though the most important of these is Version 2. The background image for Version 2 needs to be a .png file with colours set to RGB not CMYK:

  • Version 1 shows everything including all the dynamic text which you set up the system to add to the certificate
  • Version 2 shows the background design excluding the dynamic text, instead it has spaces for all the dynamic text
  • Version 3 shows the font sizes and colours for all the dynamic text

Your background template can be either landscape (horizontal) or portrait (vertical) in layout.