Your quiz could be 5 questions long and if the learner fails their first attempt and reattempts it they will encounter the same 5 questions. This will make it much easier for them to answer the quiz correctly the second time around, especially if there are not many choices of correct answers or if the quiz has a high proportion of Yes/No questions, which usually makes a very poor quiz.
Random variant questions can be used to make the quiz just as difficult to answer in subsequent attempts as the first attempt. You can ask the same question but have a different selection of correct and incorrect answers each time the learner
re-attempts the quiz.
Write a question and compile a list of correct and incorrect answers to the question. Incorrect responses can be quite hard to write without being obviously incorrect or silly. Then select a few correct and
a few incorrect answers for each random variant of the question.
For example, you have a total of 10 correct and 8 incorrect responses to your question:
Table 1 correct and incorrect responses for your question
Correct | Incorrect |
Correct 1 Correct 2 Correct 3 Correct 4 Correct 5 Correct 6 Correct 7 Correct 8 Correct 9 Correct 10 |
Incorrect 1 Incorrect 2 Incorrect 3 Incorrect 4 Incorrect 5 Incorrect 6 Incorrect 7 Incorrect 8 |
Table 2 Question variants
Q1a | Q1b | Q1c |
Correct 1 Correct 2 Correct 3 Correct 4 Correct 5 Incorrect 1 Incorrect 2 Incorrect 3 |
Correct 6 Correct 7 Correct 8 Correct 9 Correct 10 Incorrect 4 Incorrect 5 Incorrect 6 |
Correct 4 Correct 5 Correct 6 Correct 7 Correct 8 Incorrect 1 Incorrect 7 Incorrect 8 |