Go to the topic area in your course where you want the SCORM package uploaded and select ‘Add an activity or resource’.
Select ‘SCORM package’.
Give your SCORM package a name.
You will need to update the settings for ‘appearance’, ‘compatibility settings’ and ‘activity completion’. Configure the settings as follows:
Appearance settings:
Display package: Current window
Untick 'Display activity name'
Click 'Show more'
Student skip content structure page: Always
Disable preview mode: Yes
Display course structure on entry page: No
Display course structure in player: Disabled
Display attempt status: No
Activity completion settings
Completion tracking: show activity as complete when conditions are met.
Require status: make sure 'Completed' is ticked and the other two are left unticked.
Compatibility settings
By default Auto-commit is set to 'No'', it has to be switched to 'Yes' so the Moodle system will pick up the completion information from the SCORM file.
Force completed: No
Auto-continue: No
Auto-commit: Yes
Mastery score overrides status: Yes