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Adding Activities

11. SCORM package

11.2. How to upload a SCORM package to OpenLearn Create (Moodle)

Go to the topic area in your course where you want the SCORM package uploaded and select ‘Add an activity or resource’.

Select ‘SCORM package’.

Give your SCORM package a name.

You will need to update the settings for ‘appearance’, ‘compatibility settings’ and ‘activity completion’. Configure the settings as follows:

Appearance settings:

Display package: Current window

Untick 'Display activity name'

Click 'Show more'

Student skip content structure page: Always

Disable preview mode: Yes

Display course structure on entry page: No

Display course structure in player: Disabled

Display attempt status: No

Activity completion settings

Completion tracking: show activity as complete when conditions are met.

Require status: make sure 'Completed' is ticked and the other two are left unticked.

Compatibility settings

By default Auto-commit is set to 'No'', it has to be switched to 'Yes' so the Moodle system will pick up the completion information from the SCORM file.

Force completed: No

Auto-continue: No

Auto-commit: Yes

Mastery score overrides status: Yes