Queen Margaret University

MSc in Professional and Higher Education

This case study is from a completely online postgraduate programme for teaching professionals who may be based anywhere in the world. Key to creating a sense of belonging on this programme has been the high levels of interactivity that are built into all parts of the programme, beginning with an induction module that all students complete prior to enrolment. Students work in pairs and in groups to complete learning tasks as part of all of their modules, all of which can contribute to portfolio summative assessments.

Contributors: Dr Susi Peacock and Dr Lindesay Irvine

5. Student experience

People who were reluctant about online study and are nervous have also been really positive about it. It’s not a ‘distance learning’ programme. Not just read stuff and submit their assignment. 

“Loved the second group exercise on learning outcomes. Enjoyable context, and even though there was only two of us, the rapport was there from the outset and we both contributed an even amount. Reviewing the work of other groups went well too.” 

“I really enjoyed the assignment, yes, it was difficult but is that not the point. I do feel it stretched me to think in ways I wouldn’t normally. And it gave an opportunity to 'apply' what we learnt so made the connection many courses don't...” 

“I really liked the way in which videos were used to give an analysis of the discussion forums, picking up on elements from all contributors. It felt very authentic.”

“Feedback was very thoughtful and thought provoking. I think xx and xx had the right combination of waiting for students to share and then providing really valuable, directive feedback.”