Keeping Volunteers Safe: Restarting your Volunteer Programme


This course is about the essential things you need to consider to ensure a positive experience for individuals returning to engage in volunteering following suspension of programmes in response to Covid-19. The overall aim is to help you prepare your volunteers, organisation and colleagues to return to supporting volunteer involvement in your work. It was developed with input from volunteers, volunteer-involving groups and organisations, volunteer practitioners and trainers. This input has given us the volunteers’ perspective and the volunteers’ ‘voice’ that we hope you will find helpful throughout the course.

3. Reopening your volunteer programme

3.8. Summary

So far the course has asked you to consider

  • Working with and listening to volunteers as you explore why your group or organisation is resuming or scaling up its volunteer programme
  • Working with others in your group or organisation to assess the benefits of involving volunteers will be, for both the individual and the group or organisation

It has suggested that returning to volunteering shares the same values and approach set out in the CVSL VS course Involving Volunteers. In particular, the idea of restarting as akin to going through the phases of Being Ready” allowing volunteers to assess whether it is Right for me” and listening to volunteers and responding to their needs.


Activity 3

Please take some time to consider the following points and if appropriate update your Action Plan (Word 2007 document16.5 KB) . Consider the following questions and sketch out a response

You may have already spoken to volunteers, or even noted down that some are not ready to return, perhaps you have thought about doing a mini-induction. You might even be wondering that goes into that indication, before you go to the next section.

  1. In your Action Plan, note three actions that you want to take from the learning in this section. Prioritise these and write the most important one into your final action plan.
  2. You might have thought of something that wasn’t significant enough to write in your action plan, which you could do quickly and would improve the experience for volunteers.
  3. Just do it now.

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