Simple Ideas to help Pollinators
10 simple things you can do to help pollinators in your garden
10. Growing Fruit and Vegetables
Having fruit and vegetables growing can provide a wonderful resource for humans and wildlife alike. Fruit and Vegetables need pollinators and we need to help people to make this link and see how pollinators are essential to our food production. Don't forget to let some of your vegetables flower so that the pollinators can enjoy their nectar.
From growing beans and peas on your window ledges, to having a herb garden to provide a sensory experience… there are lots of ways you can bring food to life for all ages.There is nothing like learning as you grow – be bold and try.
Enjoy discussions and exploring what to grow (great information sheets here on a variety of fruit & vegetables and when to start ).
Easy plants to grow and impressive to look at include: Strawberries, raspberries, rocket or beans and peas. All of these have lovely flowers for pollinators too.
Fruit trees require more space – but can be bought in ‘dwarf stock’ so that your apple, pear and plum trees are never more than two meters tall. These are perfect for harvesting and are good for small spaces.