Getting started


2. School-based continuing professional development (SBCPD)

Teachers working together in a ‘Teacher Group Meeting’ in Zambia

Teachers working collaboratively in Zambia

Zambia has a well-established system for SBCPD, based around regular TGMs and the appointment of a School In-service Co-ordinator (SIC) in every school. You can adapt these materials to support whatever system you have in place in your country, or use them to support professional development.

SBCPD is based on the view that to implement new ideas teachers need to work together (collaborate), try new approaches in their classroom (practise) and think about and discuss how it went (reflect) (Korthagen, 2017). They need to do this over time. In this way, new approaches gradually become embedded.

This programme will help you make the most of your TGMs. Teachers in Central Province reported that this programme led to more collaboration between teachers, more harmonious relationships, and positive changes in learners, including more participation and in some schools, improved attendance.

Watch this video from a head teacher in Kabwe (Zambia) sharing her experience of working with this programme.

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