Getting started
5. Your Teacher Notebook
During this programme it is suggested that you keep notes in a ‘Teacher Notebook’. You can do this in a conventional notebook, or on your phone or a computer. You might want to write down:
- ideas that may come to you when you are either reading through these training resources, in the workplace, or at any other time
- your responses to activities included in these resources
- notes about the audios you listen to, or the videos you watch as you go along.
- notes about discussions you have with others
- questions that occur to you while you are reading the training resources and planning your lessons
- reflections on what you think or feel about your learning.
Examples of a teacher notebook
Your Teacher Notebook is personal to you and it should be useful to you. You may want to share parts of it with a friend or colleague. There are no rules for keeping a Teacher Notebook: some days you may write a great deal, and at other times only a little. However, you are advised to write notes in such a way that you can understand them later, as this is a key tool to support your personal development
In these resources there are lots of practical ideas for you to try in your teaching, and we hope you will keep practising the teaching approaches that you learn. Using your Teacher Notebook for your plans and reflections will give you a record of everything you try.