Getting started
4. Making the most of TGMs
The activities in this programme are designed to be done during TGMs or in preparation for a TGM. There is an assumption that there will be a TGM every 2–3 weeks lasting 1–2 hours; but the SIC and head teacher will work together to organise the programme in your school.
The programme is based on three key principles:
- a good lesson is made up of several different activities
- the activities that make up the lesson should actively engage learners
- it takes time to learn how to organise active teaching and learning in the classroom and to build up confidence.
One teacher will facilitate the TGM which involves leading discussions (not giving a lecture!) and ensuring that the time is used productively. You will need to make notes in the meeting and be prepared to talk about how the plans you made in the previous meeting worked when you tried them in the classroom.
There are additional resources for TGM facilitators which need to be used along with the training resources when planning TGMs.
Activity: Making the most of Teacher Group MeetingsIn pairs think about meetings you have attended or would like to attend. What would a ‘good’ meeting feel like for you? As a group, share your main points. One person could write these on a chalkboard. Agree a list of features of an effective meeting and write them onto a chart which can be displayed in the staffroom. |
Some of the things you might have thought of could be:
- everyone felt able to contribute
- you have learned something new which will help you teach better
- the work done in the meeting has saved you time as you have planned some classroom activities for next week
- you have had the chance to talk about things you were concerned about
- people listened to each other
- the facilitator had planned the meeting and the time was used productively
- the agenda was shared in advance
- the people attending the meeting had prepared themselves in advance.