Week 2: Learner-centred teaching
9. The challenges of learner-centred education
Despite the justificatory narratives you discussed in Activity 2.5 there is some critique of learner-centred education in the literature, suggesting that it is a Western world view which is being imposed on other cultures (Tabulawa, 2013).
The argument of this section has been that it is a set of attitudes and values that align with those of UNESCO and ‘The Rights of the Child’, rather than a specific prescription for how to teach. Teachers can embrace these beliefs in many different ways. Nevertheless, in some cultures these attitudes and values represent a significant shift from cultural norms. In some cultures children are taught not to express a view, or not to challenge someone older; young teachers are expected to follow the lead of those with more experience and people who are different in some way may be considered inferior or even cursed.
Activity 2.8 Challenges presented by LCEAllow approximately 1 hour for this activity. You will need the article: Is learner-centred education best practice? Consider the following questions and write your responses in your study notebook
Write a short forum post, identifying the challenge which is most relevant to your context and how it might be addressed. |