Welcome to Inclusive Teaching and Learning
6. Using the course forums
The course forums are an opportunity to engage with others who are studying the course at the same time.
Some of the activities will invite you to make a post on the course forum. There is a course forum for each week of the course. You will find the link to it in the main page and in the links on the left-hand side of the screen. When you want to make a post, click on the ‘Week 1 Course Forum’, ‘Week 2 Course Forum etc.
If you are responding to an activity, look for the discussion thread which has the number and title of the activity that you are doing. Click on that. You will be able to read the other contributions and post a comment.
To post a comment, either ‘reply’ to the comment at the top of the page, or ‘reply’ to one of the other comments. You can of course do both.
If you would like to comment on something different, or share an experience, then go back to the ‘Week 1 Course Forum’ by clicking on the sequence at the top of the page, or on the ‘back arrow’ on the top left of your browser.
Activity: Introduce yourselfAllow approximately 15 minutes for this activity In the ‘Welcome course forum’ introduce yourself to the other participants by telling us
Respond to at least one other post. |