Image, Audio and Video Editing

2. Audio and Video

Recording Audio and Video

The following infographic shows how to record audio using the audio recorder application as well as how to record video via the camera mobile application.

Graphic showing the different steps in recording audio and video

Audio Editing

The following infographic depicts the processes of downloading, installing and utilising the Audio editing application named Audio Editor: Cut, Merge, Mix, Extract Convert Audio. The infographic demonstrates the function of trimming, sharing and playing audio files which are stored on the mobile device.

Graphic showing the different steps in editing audio

Video Editing

The following infographic depicts the processes of downloading, installing and utilising the Video editing application named FilmoraGo. The infographic demonstrates how to create new video projects, edit videos by cropping them and how to export video content. 

Graphic showing the different steps in editing video

Now, after having finished this book, make sure to go back to the main page and complete activity 5.