Participatory visual techniques

3. Participatory Video

Illustration of two people taking a video
What is it?
  • Representation of issues or activities through video. Video clips can be compiled to tell a story in the form of a film.

When to use it?

To bring people together to explore issues – allows a specific group or community to come together and work collectively on representing a specific issue/ concern.

To communicate with wider stakeholders – allows effective communication with other groups, communities and decision-makers.


  • Comprehensive information capture and communication through visual and audio
    • Can reveal unexpected outcomes.
    • Creative.
    • Can be motivating and fun for participants.


    • Expensive – equipment can be costly, although low quality video footage can now be taken with mobile phones.
    • Time-consuming – training in equipment use and the capture/editing/sharing of information can take a lot of time.
    • Engagement with the information captured can be affected by the quality of the filming, editing and screening.
    • Participants need to be able to use computers, especially when using computers for editing.

    A person smiling as they are being videoed by someone using a tablet on a tripod whilst another person asks questions

    Now, after having finished this book, make sure to go back to the main page and complete activity 1.