How to identify community owned solutions

2. Activity 1 - Community introduction meeting

It is important to introduce the community engagement that is going to take place with the community and for the community to select the team that will undertake the later activities. If you are a community member then either organise a meeting or talk to your fellow community members in person, online or via the phone explaining the following. See more information about how to organise a meeting in Unit 2.


To communicate the key aims, concepts and techniques underpinning the community engagement process; to explain the programme of activities; to select the community team.


1-2 hours

Who should be involved?
Representatives from all sections of the community or the whole community


Step 1

Introduce community engagement and the concepts of community viability and community owned solutions from what you have learnt and using resources from Unit 1.

Step 2
Introduce the provisional programme of activities

Step 3

Select community members that will work on later activities. Ideally at least 4 people will be selected but an ideal number is 10. It is important that these people represent the whole community in terms of age, gender, ethnic background etc.