Video mediated dialogue
3. Screening events
Next it is important to produce a screening schedule to make sure the roles and responsibilities of the community presenters are clear. It can also be useful to develop a series of questions to send to decision-makers ahead of the screening, about the topic you want to discuss, to assess current knowledge and opinions of the themes that will come up in the videos.
This video provides an overview of collating the videos made by community researchers in the North Rupununi, Guyana and showing them to the decision-makers.
Step 3 – video screening event
The screening can either be face-to-face at an arranged meeting or via an online meeting. The meeting should start with a short introduction including the aim of the screening (to build mutual understanding of issues/concerns and inspire decision-makers to act on the videos), and an outline of the process. All participants should be given the opportunity to ask questions about the videos and the topics covered in them.
A short exercise should then be undertaken to get decision-makers familiar with the participatory video process, instructing them how to record a video. The focus of the exercise should be for them to introduce themselves, talk a little about what they do in the institution.
Community videos should then be screened one at a time to allow discussion in between. Decision-makers attending the meeting should then be provided with a sheet of questions (Table – Example Questions, below) to help guide thinking as they watch and listen to the issue(s) and views of those documented in community videos.
Step 4 – Documenting decision-maker responses
At the end of the screening event, arrangements should be made to film responses of the people attending the event to the community videos. These should be compiled into one video, and a draft shared with the participants for feedback (by day 5 after the screening/interviews). Feedback should be recorded and used to produce a final version of the video to distribute to the communities.