Numerical ways of reasoning
As well as taking every opportunity to ask learners to measure, order and work with decimals or money, and use percentages and so on, developing your learners numerical ways of reasoning is also important.
The next activity suggests ways that teachers can ask their learners to use reasoning in any lesson.
Activity 7.4: Asking questions that prompt numerical thinking
Think about a lesson you have taught recently in any subject. Consider which of the following questions you could have used with a little re-phrasing. Pick out at least five and then discuss with a partner how using those questions could help learners to develop their numerical thinking.
- How could you sort these…….?
- How many ways can you find to ……. ?
- What happens when we ……… ?
- How many different ……. can be found?
- What is the same/different?
- Can you group these ……. in some way?
- Is there a pattern?
- How can this pattern help you find an answer?
- What do you think comes next? Why?
- Is there a way to record what you’ve found that might help see more patterns?
- What would happen if….?