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Wow! Talk about overload! I am learning so much from all of your discussions. The daily "lecture" is so interesting and I had to laugh when I read the cartoon Peggy supplied today. I have long agreed that librarians are probably THE smartest people in the world. They have been invaluable to me during all phases of my studies and I have so much respect for the library science discipline. I have to admit that I "flatline" on the AND OR discussions and still don't get it, but today when searching for some classic Vygotsky and Dewey material for my dissertation lit review, I skipped right to Creative Commons and did my search there. Success!
Thank you all so much for your contributions! Jenni I look forward to some kind of document that perhaps collates these resources! :)
I to am learning a lot and am on overload. I did some searching with parenthesis and quotation marks and AND . I found some useful information for me to review to better prepare me for the Calculus 2 and 3 classes I will be teaching next year.
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