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asynchronous learning/training/sessionWhere training materials are posted online and learners work through them in their own time, communicating with each other and the trainer via discussion boards, forums, email, social media or networking tools. Good asynchronous training will include a variety of media including (but not limited to) audio and video clips. |
blended learning/trainingA course that includes both online and face-to-face elements, and sometimes also practical or fieldwork elements. |
browserSoftware that enables access to the internet from a computer, tablet or smartphone. Examples include Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Microsoft Edge. |
communities of practiceGroups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly. |
copyrightThe legal right of the author or originator of any published piece of work (text, image, video, music etc.) to copy or reproduce that work. |
Creative Commons licencesAn internationally recognised system whereby authors grant permission to others to use or adapt their work with specified conditions. |
face-to-faceA conventional teaching or training setting where learners/students are in the same room as the trainer/teacher and therefore face to face with each other, as opposed to online training where they are remote from each other. |
flipped classroomThe reverse of the traditional learning environment where knowledge is delivered by teachers to students in the classroom and homework and other activities are done elsewhere. In the ‘flipped’ classroom, learning material is delivered online in advance and the classroom becomes the space for students and teachers to discuss the material, apply their learning and engage with each other in a more active and focused way. |
ice-breaker activitiesSimple introductory activities that encourage all participants to contribute to conversation and communicate comfortably with each other. |
OER repositoriesOnline collections of educational materials that are freely available for others to reuse or adapt. |