Tuesday, 18 February 2025, 12:23 AM
Site: OpenLearn Create
Course: Urban Sanitation and Solid Waste Management (UrbanSanWaste_1.0)
Glossary: Glossary
aerobic with oxygen; the term usually applies to microbial decomposition processes that take place where air is present (5)
affordability ability to pay for a product or service (13)
agricultural waste
that comes from farming (1) |
anaerobic without oxygen; the term usually applies to microbial decomposition that takes place in the absence of air (5)
anaerobic digestion decomposition of organic material by micro-organisms in the absence of oxygen to produce biogas (5)
anaerobic pond first stage in a waste stabilisation pond system that consists of a deep pond where anaerobic decomposition takes place (6)
Arborloo a type of composting latrine that does not require emptying. When the pit is full, a tree is planted in it and a new pit is dug (5)
ash content percentage of solid material remaining when all the combustible material in a waste has been burned (7)