'Energy Research and Social Science' Publisher copyright policies & self-archiving

Journal:Energy Research and Social Science (ISSN: 2214-6296, ESSN: 2214-6296)
RoMEO:This is a RoMEO green journal
Paid OA:A paid open access option is available for this journal. 
Author's Pre-print:green tick  author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing)
Author's Post-print:green tick  author can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing)
Publisher's Version/PDF:cross  author cannot archive publisher's version/PDF
General Conditions:
  • Authors pre-print on any website, including arXiv and RePEC
  • Author's post-print on author's personal website immediately
  • Author's post-print on open access repository after an embargo period of between 12 months and 48 months
  • Permitted deposit due to Funding Body, Institutional and Governmental policy or mandate, may be required to comply with embargo periods of 12 months to 48 months
  • Author's post-print may be used to update arXiv and RepEC
  • Publisher's version/PDF cannot be used
  • Must link to publisher version with DOI
  • Author's post-print must be released with a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives License
Mandated OA:(Awaiting information)
Paid Open Access:Open Access
  • Publisher last reviewed on 03/06/2015
Copyright:Unleashing the power of academic sharing - Sharing Policy - Sharing and Hosting Policy FAQ - Green open access - Journal Embargo Period List (pdf) - Journal Embargo List for UK Authors - Attaching a User License (pdf) - Funding Body Agreements
Updated:01-May-2015 - Suggest an update for this record
Link to this page:http://sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/issn/2214-6296/
Published by:Elsevier - Green Policies in RoMEO

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