
You can use the course glossary to help with any unfamiliar terminology.

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Early Childhood Education (ECE)

Education prior to compulsory education, regarded as an education in its own right and an essential part of lifelong learning, not as merely preparation for primary school. Early childhood education is referred to as level 0 on the International Standard Classification of Education.

Education for All (EFA)

The Education for All movement is a global commitment to provide quality basic education for all children, youth and adults. Governments, development agencies, civil society and the private sector are working together to reach six EFA goals by 2015.

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

An approach to education based on the principle that education is a key to promoting the values, behavior and lifestyles necessary for a sustainable future.

Education Management Information System (EMIS)

A system designed to collect, manage, process and report data about  an  education  system,   including   information  relating to schools, learners, teachers and staff; this information is an important basis for the formulation, management and evaluation of education policies.


The use of electronic educational technology or information communication technologies in learning and teaching.

Evidence-informed practice (EIP)

An approach to policy development which aims to use research, information and knowledge about practices to guide policy design and implementation, with the objective of achieving better outcomes for people and communities.