At the end of each definition in this Glossary there is a number in brackets. This indicates the number of the Study Session where the term is first used in this OpenWASH module.
Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
I |
ignitable (waste)solid and liquid wastes that start to burn easily when exposed to a flame or any other source of ignition (10) | |
impact evaluationidentifying the effects on individuals, households or communities caused by implementing a project or programme (15) | |
impactslong-term effects and consequences of project or programme outcomes (15) | |
impermeabledoes not allow fluid to pass through (6) | |
improved facilities (sanitation)sanitation facilities that ensure the separation of faeces from people (1) | |
incinerationtreatment of waste by burning under controlled conditions (10) | |
in-depth interviewdetailed interview on a particular subject (3) | |
indicatorsomething that can be seen, measured or counted and provides evidence of progress towards a target (15) | |
industrial wastesolid waste produced by industrial organisations (1) | |
inorganicnot derived from living organisms (4) | |
Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM)using a combination of techniques and technologies to treat waste in the way that is best for people's health and the environment (11) | |
internally displaced people (IDP)people who are forced to leave their homes in the event of an emergency and move to another location within their own country (14) | |
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