At the end of each definition in this Glossary there is a number in brackets. This indicates the number of the Study Session where the term is first used in this OpenWASH module.
Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
M |
management information system (MIS)computer-based data collection and analysis system (15) | |
maturation pondthe final stage of a waste stabilisation pond system, where pathogenic viruses and bacteria are removed and eggs of parasitic worms settle out in the sludge (6) | |
mechanical biological systemsystem for treating sewage using a sequence of mechanical (such as aeration) and biological processes (6) | |
methanea flammable gas produced during anaerobic decomposition processes; a powerful greenhouse gas (7) | |
moisture contentpercentage of water in a solid substance (7) | |
monitoringsystematic and continuous assessment of the progress of a project or programme over time, in order to check that activities are going to plan (15) | |
morbidityillness (2) | |
mortalitydeath (2) | |
MSEs (micro and small enterprises)small businesses with fewer than 50 employees (9) | |
municipal waste (municipal solid waste)combination of all the solid wastes produced in urban areas; similar in composition to residential waste (1) | |
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