1.1 The Scottish context for dyslexia and inclusive practice

Module 1 Section 1 Recap

Module 1 highlighted that Scotland’s education system is designed to be an inclusive one for all children and young people in Scottish schools with or without additional support needs. Our ‘needs led’ system places the learner at the centre and the provision of support is not dependent upon a formal label or identification of need such as dyslexia, autism or a physical disability.

The 2014 Education Scotland report Making Sense: Education for Children and Young People with Dyslexia in Scotland [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] was the outcome of an independent review of education for children and young people who have dyslexia, carried out on behalf of the Scottish Government. The report highlighted 5 interlinking recommendations to improve the outcomes of learners with dyslexia, all of which the Scottish Government’s response supported. The Making Sense Working Group is working with stakeholders to support the implementation of the review’s recommendations.

1.1.1 Inclusion and equality in educational policy