This is an illustration of a garden, with labels added at various points. At the top of the illustration is a title: ‘A sure early start for children in M-’. In the top-left of the illustration is the sun, with the label ‘Policy provides sun and shade’. To the right of this is the label ‘Early start forum plans and holds to account’. Below this is the image of a watering can watering a plant, with the label ‘VS development workers grow new project’. Underneath this are the labels ‘New projects develop and seed further projects’ and ‘Nursery workers care for individual children’. To the right of the drawing is a tree. At the top of the tree is the label ‘History of inter-agency work’ and then an arrow pointing down to the label ‘Strong but lacking flexibility’. There are some flowers around the base of the tree, along with the label ‘Resilient children’. To the left of the drawing is a spade, and the label ‘Public agencies prepare the ground’.