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2 Power, politics and ethics in studying organisations


In recent years, much attention has been devoted to considering the ethics of organisational research. This mainly focuses on how we should act towards the people who are involved in our research, i.e. research participants, and how they might reasonably expect to benefit from their participation.

A key ethical principle at stake here is reciprocity: the idea that research should be of mutual benefit to researchers and participants, and that some form of collaboration or active participation should be involved in order to enable this (Bell and Bryman, 2007). At the same time, political conditions – including increasingly precarious academic work, intensification of pressure to publish research, consumer-oriented teaching environments and prescriptive managerial regimes in universities – have increased the demands on those who do organisational research. In this section, we reflect on the ethical imperative for empowering research and the political challenges that organisational researchers are likely to face in doing this kind of research.

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To appreciate the nature of the ethical demands and political pressures described above, we first need to understand how organisational knowledge is produced. In recent decades, organisational knowledge has been profoundly shaped by the globalisation of business schools within universities, as the main institution where academics are employed to teach students and do research. Business school globalisation is driven by the increased geographical mobility of academics and students, which means that more and more business schools are in global competition with one another.

One of the ways that schools try to distinguish the quality of their educational programmes, and attract staff and students, is by seeking accreditation from international bodies such as the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business or EQUIS. A key performance indicator used by these bodies is the quality of the research that researchers in the school produce. This is measured using proxy indicators, such as the global ranking of the journal that the research is published in, the FT50 or the AJG Academic Journal Guide (AJG). Consequently, researchers face increasing pressure to publish in a small number of highly ranked North American journals, many of which are dominated by the positivist tradition (Grey, 2010).

Macdonald and Kam (2007) argue that the rise of a global academic ‘publish or perish’ culture has resulted in business researchers employing gamesmanship to maximise their chances of success. A key tactic involves writing papers that reviewers (who decide whether work is good enough to be accepted by a journal) are likely to regard as uncontroversial. To achieve this, researchers are more likely to use methods that are broadly accepted within the field rather than experiment with new research approaches. This includes using quantitative methods, which are widely assumed to be more rigorous than qualitative methods and are more common in highly ranked management journals (Bell, Kothiyal and Willmott, 2017). They are less likely to challenge existing theory: a practice referred to as ‘gap-spotting’, rather than ‘problematisation’ (see Sandberg and Alvesson, 2011 for a summary).

While these political pressures are experienced by organisational researchers across the globe, they can be particularly powerfully felt by researchers in the global south, as a consequence of asymmetric power relations between countries in the Western core and those in the periphery, which are positioned as Other. An account of how these pressures are experienced by Indian management and organisational researchers can be read in Kothiyal et al. (2018). As this article shows, such powerful norms of what constitutes ‘good’ research reinforces the dominance of established Western ways of thinking, driving researchers in the periphery towards mimicry and marginalising their voices. These concepts are discussed further in Section 3.

As a consequence of these political pressures, organisational researchers may assume – or are told by established scholars – that empowering research is too risky because it is insufficiently rigorous, systematic or scientific. This brings us back to thinking about ethics and specifically to the question of who research is for: this involves considering the purposes that organisational research serves and the responsibilities that researchers have towards others and the world around them, especially those who are disadvantaged, oppressed or exploited as a consequence of organisational logics that are founded on modernist values of scientific rationalism, based on an Enlightenment view of progress that developed in the global north. These issues focus attention on the ethical values of organisational research, or matters of axiology.

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The dominant paradigm in management and organisation studies is based on a positivist ontology. This paradigm advocates that knowledge should be produced using the same standards and methods as the natural sciences. The purpose of doing research is thus to develop objective knowledge, in the form of propositions or law-like predictions that are generalisable and thereby constitute a single, unified truth. The purpose of empowering research involves contesting this dominant paradigm and presenting alternatives.

Positivist organisational research makes a clear distinction between facts– objective truths awaiting discovery – and values, which are seen as subjective, and thus present a threat to the pursuit of truth – which exists independently of the researcher who studies it. This type of research, which is strongly associated with quantitative study, involves seeking to remove sources of potential bias – a threat to research quality.

However, organisational researchers working in the post-positivist theoretical traditions – including qualitative, critical, postcolonial and feminist scholars – argue that it is impossible to avoid making value judgements when producing knowledge. The only ethical position, they suggest, involves researchers acknowledging and articulating the values that they hold and showing how they shape the knowledge that is produced. This is referred to as reflexivity (see Film Focus 8, Section 4). The difference between these two positions is not that post-positivist researchers hold certain values (and act on the basis of them in their research) while positivist researchers do not; but that post-positivist researchers acknowledge the effects of their values on the research while positivist researchers often fail to do so.

This provides the context within which we encourage you to think about doing empowering research as a way of producing knowledge that challenges dominant research norms that perpetuate elitist structures and reinforce core/periphery relations between the global north and the global south. The importance of empowering research thus arises from its potential to also challenge power relations experienced by organisational researchers.

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In summary, empowering research involves challenging the resurgence of conservative, technocratic and isomorphic norms of what counts as ‘good’ organisational research that are framed according to a positivist or neo-positivist paradigm. This involves drawing on post-positivist (including feminist and decolonising) methodologies and theories, and using this to develop research questions and research designs.

Management research as craft

Here Emma discusses the features of research as craft, an approach that enables methods and methodology to be understood as more than a set of techniques and facilitates greater consideration of ethics and politics. The need for craft(y) research will be situated in the context of business school globalisation, and the pressures that this places on researchers to conform to research norms set by globally ranked journals. Concepts such as interpretivism, induction and abduction will be covered, and some of the qualitative methods used by craft(y) researchers will be introduced.

Activity: Film Focus 2, ‘Management research as craft’ – Emma Bell

Watch the film and make your own notes in response to the following questions:

  • Summarise the idea of research as craft in your own words.
  • Do you see your own research as craft? Why – or why not?
  • What advantages or risks are associated with seeing research as craft?
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Ethics in research

Ethical principles of protection from harm, informed consent, confidentiality and anonymity are generally assumed to be universally applicable, regardless of context. However, this approach to research ethics reflects a neo-colonial bias and is an aspect of methodological globalisation whereby Western forms of knowledge and approaches to research are privileged and exported to the global South. In this session, Emma will problematise these assumptions and explore alternatives.

Activity: Film Focus 3, ‘Ethics in research’ – Emma Bell

Watch the film and make your own notes in response to the following questions:

  • Are you aware of any ‘ethical oversight regimes’ where you study, work or do research? Can you describe them?
  • What alternatives to informed consent could you think of to more effectively empower yourself and others?
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Ethics in research
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Stories from the field

Jaideep Sharma: doing fieldwork at Clean Kids

Jaideep, a researcher on the Project Team, studied the Clean Kids initiative organised by Your Medics to recycle and repurpose used soap from hotels to produce bars of soap that are redistributed to local communities. Jaideep interviewed the female workers on the production line where the recycled bars of soap are cleaned and remade into new soap bars. He asked the workers about what it means to them to do such work. One of the workers is shown in this image grating used soap ready to be remoulded into new bars. Jaideep found it to be a labour-intensive process, but also meaningful and rewarding one for the workers who are very aware of working as part of a social enterprise to benefit local communities.

Preparing new bars of soap

In the next image, you can see Jaideep (to the right, facing the group of children) participating in distributing the soaps to local schoolchildren. The joy of the children in receiving these potentially life changing gifts is evident in the image.

Distributing soaps to local schoolchildren

Jaideep’s research involved him getting involved in the Clean Kids supply chain process. To begin to understand the meanings and value of the work and the products to workers and recipients, he needed to adopt an axiological, interpretive methodology. If he had approached his research from a positivistic position, seeking to discover objective truths about how many soaps are recycled and redistributed, how much labour is required and other quantifiable measures of the process, he would not have placed any value on the stories of the workers experiences or on what it means to the people receiving the soap bars.

Interpretive approaches to research share an openness to understanding how people make sense of their lives and work. Interpretivism is a way of seeking knowledge – an epistemology – that invites dialogue between researchers and participants, and at most enables researchers to become participants and vice versa. Seeing research through this worldview, the researcher is not the expert and cannot see themselves as such. Understanding this ethical stance is a key step in practising empowering methodology.

In the next section you will learn about the importance of context and why the researcher should never consider themselves experts about other people’s lives.

Recommended reading

Bell, E. and Kothiyal, N. (2018) ‘Ethics creep from the core to the periphery’, in C. Cassell, A. Cunliffe and G. Grandy (eds.) SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Business and Management Research Methods, pp. 546–61. Available at: permalink/ f/ gvehrt/ TN_gvrl_refCX7495000045 (accessed 7 October 2019).

Bell, E., Kothiyal, N. and Willmott, H. (2017) ‘Methodology-as-technique and the meaning of rigor in globalized management research’, British Journal of Management, 28(3): 534-550. Available at: permalink/ f/ gvehrt/ TN_gale_ofa498289754 (accessed 7 October 2019).

Bell, E. and Wray Bliss, E. (2009) ‘Research ethics: regulations and responsibilities’, in A. Bryman and D. Buchanan (eds) Sage Handbook of Organizational Research Methods, pp. 78–92. London: Sage.