This is an image that contains six different pictures and statistics.
The top left-hand one is a picture of a yellow heart with a plaster over the right side of it. 39% is written in blue directly below the picture in a large font size. Black writing in a smaller font size is directly below which says: rated their physical health as either ‘just ok’ or ‘poor’.
The top right-hand one is a picture of a pink head with three white cogs where the brain would be. 45% is written in blue directly below the picture in a large font size. Black writing in a smaller font size is directly below which says: reported having mental health problems.
The middle left-hand one is a picture of a green head with a white exclamation point and question mark where the brain would be. 56% is written in blue directly below the picture in a large font size. Black writing in a smaller font size is directly below which says: were experiencing difficulties because of their caring role.
The middle right-hand one is a picture of a blue graduation cap with a blue x on the left of it. 16% is written in blue directly below the picture in a large font size. Black writing in a smaller font size is directly below which says: were concerned that they might have to drop out of university.
The bottom left-hand one is a picture of two overlapping pink speech bubbles. 75% is written in blue directly below the picture in a large font size. Black writing in a smaller font is directly below which says: of respondents informed university staff of their caring role.
The bottom right-hand one is a picture of five yellow outlines of people. 45% is written in blue directly below the picture in a large font size. Black writing in a smaller font is directly below which says: said there was no-one at university who recognised them as a carer and helped them.