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Carers centres

To find your local carers centre go to or contact Carers Trust Scotland 0300 772771 or

Your local carers centre will provide a wealth of information which will support you in your role. They will be able to give you advice about local supports, services and funding available to student carers.

NB: Remember to check that the contact details for your local carers centres are on your university student carer webpage

Care Information Scotland

  • Information on the support that carer centres can provide.

Carers Trust Scotland

The Carers Trust website is a useful resource with information on benefits, health and wellbeing, legal rights and support for carers. It also has news about local and national carer initiatives.

Going Higher for Student Carers

Carers Trust Scotland runs the Going Higher for Student Carers: Recognition Award. In this section of the website you will find a wealth of guidance and resources to support you in your Going Higher journey.

National Union of Students

Minority Ethnic Carers of People Project (MECOPP)

Carers UK

Scottish Funding Council

  • Up-to-date statistics on student carers in Scotland.
  • Information around the expectations of the SFC about how universities should be supporting student carers.

SAAS website


Carer Positive

Useful networks

There are three networks of colleges and universities that work across different geographical areas in Scotland. These groups focus on practice and support for students who are care-experienced, estranged or carers. The networks bring together access and support practitioners from further and higher education and the third sector to discuss, share and collaborate on good practice.

  • CEECEF (East Forum)
  • CEECWF (West Forum)
  • CEECNF (North Forum)

Ask colleagues within your institution about these networks or contact Carers Trust Scotland 0300 772771 or


Carers Trust Scotland (2020) 2020 Vision: Hear Me, See Me, Support Me and Don’t Forget Me

IRISS (2019) Experiences of young carers in university and transitioning to work – Evidence summary of research related to young carers in university

Martin, H. (2020) The Student Carer Experience in Scotland, Carers Trust Scotland

Open University Carer Research and Knowledge Exchange Network (CAREN)

Oxfam (2020) Make Care Count: Unpaid and Underpaid Care Work Across Britain

Sempik, J. and Becker, S. (2014) Young adult carers at college and university