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9 Helpful signposting

9 Helpful signposting

AAC Scotland -Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

Additional support needs

Addressing Dyslexia Toolkit

Applying nurture as a whole school approach: A framework to support self-evaluation.

Autism Toolbox

Better Behaviour, Better Learning

Call Scotland - Communication, Access, Literacy and Learning

CELCIS - Centre for Excellence for Looked After Children in Scotland

Compassionate Classroom

Curriculum for Excellence

Dyslexia Scotland

Dyslexia Unwrapped

Education Scotland- Support for All


Forces Children Education


Guidance on the education of children unable to attend school due to ill health

Guidance on the preparation of Accessibility Strategies

Learning in 2(+) languages: Ensuring effective inclusion for bilingual learners

National improvement Hub

Dyslexia and Inclusive practice: An Overview

National Improvement Hub

NHS guidance on Sensory impairment

NHS information on ADHD

NHS information on Deafblind

NHS information on depression

NHS information on improving mental wellbeing

Respect for All: The National Approach to Anti-bullying for Scotland's Children and Young People


SQA Assessment Arrangements

Scottish Autism

Scottish Government - Schools, Additional Support for Learning

Scottish Government information on care experienced (looked after) children

Scottish Sensory Centre

The Getting it right for every child implementation guide

The Principles of Good Transitions 3

The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT)

The Scottish Network for Able Pupils

World Health Organisation information on mental health

Learning in 2(+) languages: Ensuring effective inclusion for bilingual learners improvement/ learning-resources/ Learning%20in%202+%20Languages This resource highlights good practice for supporting learners who are accessing the curriculum through English as an additional language. It contains an overview of bilingualism as well as strategies to support the development of English and checklists for action.

Education Scotland

Education Scotland was set up by the Scottish Government to support quality and improvement in Scottish education to secure better experiences and outcomes for learners. It contains a wide range of information, practical materials and resources to support teaching and learning.

The GLOW website login/ login.htm

GLOW is a secure national resource which gives intranet access to Scotland’s education community, supporting information sharing between colleagues. It contains links to local and national resources and provides a framework for supporting learners through its virtual learning environment. This website was developed by the Scottish Government in partnership with Scottish Autism and the Autism Network Scotland. It complements the Autism Toolbox providing online information and resources to support the inclusion of learners with autism spectrum disorder in mainstream schools.

Better Behaviour, Better Learning publications/ developing-positive-whole-school-ethos-culture-relationships-learning-behaviour/ pages/ 1/

This document outlines new policy guidance in response to the Behaviour in Scottish Schools Research conducted in 2016 and published in December 2017. The Scottish Advisory Group on Relationships and Behaviour in Schools (SAGRABIS) have identified the next steps, outcomes and priority actions to support local authorities, establishments, practitioners and partners to further improve the ethos and culture, and relationships and behaviour in Scottish schools. This is central to the successful delivery of Curriculum for Excellence, implementation of Getting it Right for Every Child and the aspirations of the Scottish Attainment Challenge and the National Improvement Framework.

NHS Additional Support for Learning website

This contains information on specific conditions, suggestions of practical supports and strategies, and contact and referral details for partner services from NHS Lothian.

Guidance on partnership working between allied health professions and education wayback/ archive/ 20170702030050/ Publications/ 2010/ 05/ 27095736/ 0

This guidance aims to improve partnership working between allied health professions, education staff and parents/carers, in order to improve the experience of children and young people in reaching their potential.

Inclusive Learning and Collaborative Working: Ideas in Practice - Primary School Resource projects/ documents/ circle_collaboration.pdf

CIRCLE Collaboration 2015. City of Edinburgh Council, Queen Margaret University and NHS Lothian. Available from CIRCLE Collaboration, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh

This resource has been developed based on the ‘best practice’ of experienced education staff working in primary schools. It contains practical strategies to support learners who have additional support needs.

ENQUIRE myrightsmysay

All children have the right to have their views considered when decisions are being made about the support they get with their learning. Children aged 12–15 now have the right to be more involved in decisions that affect them. Once a child reaches their 12th birthday, they have the right to:

  • ask their school to find out if they need extra support
  • have a say in plans and decisions made about the support they get
  • have an advocate with them at meetings to help them share their views and understand what’s going on
  • question plans made for them or make an appeal to the Additional Support Needs Tribunal if they are not happy with what certain plans say
  • get help to sort out any disagreements about their support.

My Rights, My Say can help children exercise these rights by providing:

  • advice and information about a child’s rights
  • advocacy to support a child to have their voice heard when talking to their school
  • independent support to make sure the child’s views are heard in formal process (such as assessments)
  • support to enhance professional practice in listening to children’s views
  • legal representations to support a child making a reference to the Additional Support Needs Tribunal.

My Rights, My Say is a partnership between Enquire, Children in Scotland, Cairn Legal and Partners in Advocacy

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