This is the fifth module in a course of five modules designed to provide health workers with a comprehensive introduction to children’s rights. While the modules can be studied separately, they are designed to build on each other in order.
Module 1: Childhood and children’s rights
Module 2: Children’s rights and the law
Module 3: Children’s rights in health practice
Module 4: Children’s rights in the wider environment: the role of the health worker
Module 5: Children’s rights: planning, monitoring and evaluation
Module 5 consists of two study sessions that introduce how to make plans to affect a change that will contribute to the achievement of children’s rights. It will also illustrate the tools you can use to check if the plan is effective. Each of these sessions is designed to take approximately two hours to complete. The sessions provide you with an introduction to these topics and are supported by a range of different activities to help you develop your understanding and knowledge. The activities are usually followed by a discussion of the topic, but in some cases there will be answers at the end of the study session for you to compare your own answer to before continuing. We have provided you with space to write your notes after an activity, however if you wish, you can use a notebook.
How can structured action planning help to advance children’s rights?
Key words: action planning, objective, task, resource, measure of success
As a health worker, you have the potential to identify problems that violate children’s rights and the opportunity to work with others to develop solutions. When you decide to make an action plan, you are acting to change something that you consider to be a problem for children. You learned about your role in contributing to making changes in children’s lives in the previous module when you explored advocacy and community mobilisation.
In this study session, we will explore how to create and implement an action plan, and demonstrate how this can help to advance children’s rights. Action planning is a formal and structured approach to achieving change.
The session will also discuss the importance of involving children and others in developing plans so they are more likely to be relevant to children’s needs, more likely to be implemented, and more likely to deliver the results you want.
At the end of this study session, you will be able to:
When two or three people, or a larger group, meet together to discuss a problem or an issue they have identified, it is because they have decided that something needs to change. Similarly, an individual working alone may decide they want to see something change and can think about how this change should be made. As soon as we begin to think about what needs to change, we think about how the change can be made and we also think about who can make the change happen. When we think about these things, whether we know it or not, we are making plans. As humans, we do this informally all the time. When something is of particular importance, then we can think about the actions we want to take in a more structured way. The process of developing actions is called action planning.
An action plan is a list of key tasks that need to be undertaken to achieve a particular goal or bring about a particular change. Action plans differ from to-do lists because they focus on a single goal. An action plan states what needs to be done, by when and by whom.
Action planning is the process used to develop an action plan. It includes identifying the issue or problem clearly, developing specific and measurable actions, involving others and clarifying responsibilities.
In all action planning, the most important point to consider at the start of the process is the objective. What is the change you are trying to make? An objective can be defined as the specific result, goal or change you want to achieve. It is important to develop objectives that are:
These are known as SMART objective because in English the first letter of each bullet point spells the word 'SMART'.
Action plans can be developed for changes you want to see happen at any level from the immediate community to the international level. For example:
We will return to the importance of involving others later in this study session, but for now you can note that the bigger the change you are aiming to bring about, the more people you will need to involve to make it happen.
Action planning is part of a cycle of activity designed to create sustainable change in the realisation of children’s rights, as you can see in Figure 1.1. In this study session, we will explore two stages in the cycle: making plans and implementing them. Study Session 2 examines how to measure whether or not those plans have been effective.
When a project is relatively small and short-term, for example designing, producing, printing and distributing a leaflet, it may not be necessary or beneficial to develop an action plan. This is particularly the case where there are few people to be involved and what has to be done, and the steps to achieve it are clear. Tasks that are repeated often generally do not need an action plan. For medium-sized projects, such as organising a conference, an action plan can be very beneficial. For larger projects or programmes, such as opening a new health centre, an action plan is essential.
Action planning has a number of specific advantages over and above a list of things to do, or scheduling work using a calendar or diary:
An action plan states what specific action needs to be taken (tasks), who will undertake each task and how (resources), and the immediate or short-term measurable result for each task (measures of success). Table 1.1 shows these different components in an action plan tackling the low level of birth registrations in a community.
Objective: Build the evidence base to address low birth registration | ||||
Task | Responsibility | Additional resources | Timescale | Measure of success |
1. Gather evidence on all birth registrations over the past 5 years | Head of clinic | Records from the local council | May 2014 | Data is collected and presented in an accessible format |
2. Analyse the data | Team of health workers | Staff at district council | August 2014 | Clear evidence of the patterns of birth registration is produced |
3. Undertake research into the barriers preventing mothers registering their babies | Team of health workers supervised by the head of clinic | Community development officers | October 2014 | Causes of non-registration are identified |
4. Produce a report with recommendations for action to remove the barriers | Head of clinic | Funds from district office | Dec 2014 | Report is available and ready to be used for the next stage of the process – to implement action to remove the barriers |
What do you notice about the structure and headings used in this action plan?
A number of things can be observed about the structure and headings used in this action plan:
You can hopefully see that an action plan contains a very significant amount of important information. As described above, it might be helpful to a limited extent for a small project and it can be enormously valuable for medium and large projects.
We will now examine some of these components of an action plan in more detail.
Tasks are the specific actions that, taken together, make up the action plan.
Quite simply, you cannot get anything done unless you have the resources to do it. Resources are the people, materials, money, or other assets that are available to contribute to the delivery of the action plan.
Usually the most important resources are the people who contribute to the delivery of the tasks in the action plan. Usually, it will be useful to identify one key person to take the lead responsibility for each task.
The other resources available to support the responsible person, are sometimes also listed against tasks in the action plan. These can be people, budget, buildings, materials and anything else that can be used to support the completion of the task. Where other resources are included the most significant resources should be listed in the action plan. For example, under the ‘Additional resources’ column in Table 1.1, it is assumed that the district council can provide additional support.
You need to be able to measure whether or not you have been successful in your action plan. You can measure progress by establishing what are called ‘indicators’. Indicators are facts that provide an objective measurement for assessing the state, level or condition of something, usually in an area where there is a desire to see change.
Just as each task in an action plan is a step that contributes to a bigger overall objective, each measure of success is a step towards the achievement of a larger success indicator.
We can illustrate this with another example:
A government official at the Ministry of Health in Kenya wants to improve the situation for vulnerable and marginalised people, including children, so that access to health services for mothers and young children is achieved universally across the country. There are differences in outcomes based on geography, social status and gender. She knows that there are a number of tasks to do, including gathering evidence, communicating this clearly, building support, lobbying other parts of government, making decisions about allocation of resources, involving vulnerable people in the process, and getting consent on the most important changes to be made. The first major task is to gather evidence and for this action, the indicator chosen is that the research will be up-to-date, informed by vulnerable and marginalised people’s experience, and written to a high quality. If this measure of success is achieved, it will make a significant contribution to the achievement of the larger success indicator for the entire project, which could be, for example, an increase of 15% access to health services for mothers and young children by a specified date.
Now the different components of an action plan have been introduced, it is your turn to create an action plan for a specific change you would like to see.
If you studied other modules on this course, you will have learned about many different rights that children have. You will also know from your experience and local knowledge about difficulties that children might have in realising their rights, including securing their right to health.
Based on your knowledge and experience of this subject to date, can you think of a change you would like to see happen involving children’s health and/or their rights in your region or your community? What specifically would you like to see change? What would need to happen to make a difference to realising or advancing children’s rights? This should be something that you can influence, even if it means you need to involve other people. For this activity, think about a relatively small to medium-sized change you would like to see, for example a project to inform children about their rights, or a project to educate parents, or a project to make your practice more child-friendly. You could undertake this activity in your workplace and involve co-workers if you can.
The first step in creating your action plan is to define your objective clearly. When you have thought about a change you would like to see, write this in the form of an objective in the table below. Remember that objectives should be: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. You can check back on the definition of an effective objective described earlier if you are not sure.
The second step is to think about the tasks that will be needed to help you achieve your objective. Try to identify at least four tasks. Write the tasks in the task column, in a way that describes the act of doing something.
Next, think about who will lead each task. It might be you for all the tasks, or you might be able to ask others to take a lead. Do you need to consult them first? Write the name of one person under the 'Responsibility' column for each task.
Are there specific resources you and other responsible people can call on? Write these in the next column.
Now think about the timescales. It is sometimes helpful to think about the end date first. When would you like to have completed the plan by? Think about how long each task will take. Be realistic about this, bearing in mind the people and other resources available, conflicting tasks for other objectives, and whether any tasks can be carried out at the same time.
Finally, what will be your measures of success for each task? This is often the most challenging part of the action plan. Be as specific as you can here and try to describe measures in a way that contribute to your overall objective. If you are having difficulty identifying a suitable measure of success, then this is sometimes an indication that you have not defined your task clearly enough. Go back to the task and try to be more specific about the action that will be taken.
Once you have completed the action plan, spend some time reading and reviewing it. Read each action carefully, thinking about where improvements can be made to the plan.
Did you find this activity difficult to do?
If you developed the action plan on your own, you may have found it more challenging, as you only have your own experiences and views to draw on. You might not have all the information you need and you have no way of checking with others whether the plan is achievable or realistic.
It is not unusual for one person to begin the process of drafting an action plan, but it is nearly always necessary to involve others before finalising it. Involving others as early as possible in the process is one of the best ways of building support for your plan. We will return to this discussion in the next section.
There are different views on what a good action plan should look like. It can depend on the scale and complexity of the change to be achieved. However, the following characteristics are important in all action plans.
Looking back at the action plan you created, apart from the final characteristic which involves updating the plan, how many of these characteristics does your plan meet?
Involving children in action planning can provide a valuable source of information about their needs and experiences. Children of all ages can be involved, providing the methods of involving them are age-appropriate. By listening to children’s views and taking them seriously, children are empowered and can contribute meaningfully to the action planning process. By enabling children to participate, you are helping them to realise many of their rights under the UN Convention and the African Charter. This includes the right of children to access information, to express themselves freely, to have their views taken into account and to be active participants in their communities. They are also being prepared to take on responsible roles as adult citizens.
Children can be involved at a number of different levels, depending on their evolving capacities. There are numerous techniques available to enable children’s participation. You can refer back to Module 4, Section 2.7: Advocacy with children, for suggestions on how to involve children. In addition, some helpful resources are listed in the Bibliography at the end of the module.
Here we will talk a little about some of the good practice and ethical issues you will need to consider if you are to involve children in action planning, or in monitoring and evaluation.
If children and adults are involved in action planning together, there are several important issues to bear in mind.
Children should always be protected from harm. In any work with children, child protection is vitally important. Sometimes, if they get involved in community activity and speak out on key issues of concern to them, it may lead to a negative response from other members of the community. It is important to be alert to these issues. Children need to be informed and advised about possible risks, and protected from engaging in activities where they might be placed in danger. Wherever possible, it is helpful to identify a key person to take responsibility for ensuring children’s safety. Children need to know who that is and how to contact them.
Because children have diverse backgrounds, experiences and needs, one child or a small group of children are unlikely to be able to inform you fully. It is important when involving children in action planning, to involve children with different backgrounds and experiences as much as possible. This can be challenging, because of insufficient time, insufficient resources to pay or reward more children, and the capacities of particularly vulnerable children.
The following tips may help you in thinking about ways of reaching and involving children from different backgrounds:
When working with children and young people with disabilities, it is important to think carefully about their communication needs. Some children will not be able to communicate their views in what you might consider to be the conventional way.
The most important thing you can do when working with children with disabilities is to avoid making any assumptions about what they are capable of. You should ask them directly, or their parents or guardians or other adults that work closely with them, about how the child normally participates and communicates.
While you should ask about individual needs, there are a number of things you should always do when working with children. Working in these ways will help to improve accessibility for children generally:
At several points in this study session, we have mentioned the importance of involving others in the action planning process. We talked about the importance of:
These three elements are important throughout the process, but they each have greater importance at different stages of action planning. Listening to experiences and asking for ideas is more important at the beginning of the process. As the action planning process continues, building consensus and support for the plan that is emerging becomes more important. As the development of the action plan nears completion, agreeing ownership and accountability become the most important element. Figure 1.2 shows the relative importance of each element at different stages and also provides a summary of some of the benefits and challenges in managing each stage.
Here are two scenarios about action planning.
For each scenario, can you identify:
Scenario 1
A health worker has been told by his manager that they need to write an action plan in response to a consultation that was held with children. The consultation was about children’s experiences of accessing and using health services. The health worker is given a summary of the consultation findings. The consultation took place two years ago and was mostly with children in the capital city. The health worker is based in a rural community. The health worker has been asked to produce a draft of the action plan for the manager to review in two weeks.
Scenario 2
A health worker based in a children’s ward of a hospital has attended a two-day training course on preventing the spread of communicable diseases. She has learned a lot about good practice in these two days and when she returns to her ward she notices there are many things not in place and improvements that could be made. She talks to her manager about this, but her manager is not supportive, saying they are too busy to take on any more work now. The health worker has worked at the hospital for a number of years and knows some of the senior staff quite well, so she decides to talk to the senior manager about whether action should be taken. The senior manager says there is already a communicable diseases policy and action plan in place for the entire hospital, which she will try to find. She is supportive, but is very busy and asks the health worker to wait until she can get back to her.
Compare your answers to those at the end of the study session.
Revisit you own action plan from Activity 1.1 and think about how you might ensure children and others are involved.
Remember that action planning is not a one-off exercise. Planning actions and implementing those actions are steps in a process of continuous improvement in your practice. Action planning and learning from experience will give you a structure to advance children’s rights and improve the health of the people you work with. This is over and above the immediate services and support that you provide every day.
In this study session you have learned what structured action planning is and how it can be used to advance children’s rights.
In particular, you have learned that:
Define what is meant by an action plan.
Describe three reasons why action planning is important.
List five key characteristics of a good action plan.
Outline the issues to be considered when involving children in action planning.
There are no right and wrong answers here, but you may have identified some of the following things.
Scenario 1
It is good practice that children are being consulted about their experiences and that their views are being considered to inform an action plan. It is also good that the manager is involving other staff in the practice to help develop the action plan. However, there are many things that could be improved here. Firstly, the consultation took place a long time ago and services could have improved or deteriorated since that time. While many children in different locations will have similar needs, it is a big generalisation to suggest that the needs and experiences of children in a city will be the same as those in a rural area. Every location will have specific social, cultural and economic factors that affect children’s health. Finally, it looks as though the health worker has been given only a small amount of information about the consultation and has been asked to produce the plan in a short time period, making it difficult to consult and involve others.
What would you do? There are many different approaches you might take to improve the situation. You could ask to see the full consultation report. You could offer to consult with children in the community that you work with to check whether the findings are relevant in your area at this time. You could suggest forming a larger project team to discuss ideas. You might want to look at other sources of evidence available, and you might negotiate with your manager for a longer period of time to produce the action plan.
Scenario 2
This is a good example of how action planning can arise when people develop new knowledge and are able to identify problems and issues that they did not previously see. It is good practice that staff are being developed. It is also good practice that the health worker is trying to involve her line manager and other staff in the hospital. She has a clear idea of what can be improved, but recognises that leadership and support from others is necessary in this circumstance. The reactions from the manager and the senior manager are not too unusual in this case. People often see or agree with what needs to be done, but they have to balance this with other actions that are competing for their time. It is also not unusual for policies and plans to be developed with good intention but then for them to be forgotten about as new issues are given greater attention. Remember the ten characteristics of a good action plan that you learned about earlier? A good action plan needs to be revisited and updated at regular intervals.
What would you do? It is not possible in this case for you to develop an action plan, or involve others in developing an action plan, until you have permission and are allowed the time to do so. However, there are a number of things you might do to bring about changes to the practice in your ward. You can begin to make changes to what you do, leading by example. You can talk to some of your co-workers about what you have learned, encouraging them to attend training and to think about how they work. You might then be able to build support for your plan so that others raise the issue too. You could identify one or two small improvements that could be made immediately that require little time or cost and attempt to persuade your manager that these things could easily be done without interfering with other priorities. Lastly, you might be able to help your senior manager to find the policy and action plan she referred to. It may be displayed on a notice board, published on a website, or you might have received a copy as part of induction or training. You could follow up with her after a few weeks, perhaps telling her about the changes you are making to your practice and any positive results you have noticed.
How can monitoring and evaluation help to advance children’s rights?
Key words: evaluation, indicator, outcome, output, monitoring
As a health worker who understands children’s rights, you are in a unique position to understand children’s experiences and to respond appropriately. You will do this every day at an individual level, however, you may not have a complete picture of many of the key issues and challenges, and your ability to influence change will be limited by this. Monitoring and evaluation are tools that can help you gain a more detailed picture. You can identify patterns, and understand which challenges are common and what kinds of actions are effective. This follows on from your work in Study Session 1 on planning as once you have implemented a plan you need to know if it is working or not, and the skills of monitoring and evaluating will help you do this.
In this study session you will learn what monitoring and evaluation are and how they can be used to advance children’s rights. You will appreciate the importance of involving children in monitoring and evaluation and you will develop skills to enhance monitoring and evaluation in your practice.
At the end of this study session, you will be able to:
Monitoring involves the collection of information for a specific purpose. A simple example of monitoring in daily practice is keeping a record of the sex of the children that come to a medical facility and the medical problems that they bring. This type of monitoring information can help to determine accurately whether boys and girls are equally likely to seek medical assistance, and if they have different health needs. It can also help to find out whether boys or girls are being discriminated against. That information can then be used to plan services and ensure the right training and facilities are in place.
Monitoring is a process involving observation of something at regular intervals, such as weekly, monthly or quarterly. It involves gathering information. It can be used to assess the quality of a process or service. It can also be used to measure progress towards a specific goal.
Effective monitoring can help us to:
Monitoring is a vital part of action planning. In Study Session 1, you became familiar with making action plans and implementing them: the first two stages in the cycle shown in Figure 1.2. However, once you have put your plan into action, how do you know if it is working? If you had clear objectives and indicators for your plan it is through monitoring that you can see if they were achieved. So monitoring is a stage in a continuous process of improvement. Figure 2.1 is a reminder of the stages of this process.
When introducing the monitoring of a plan to enhance child rights, it is important to consider the purpose of the monitoring and how the information will be collected and used.
The following questions are helpful to consider:
Think about the types of information you might routinely gather in your work.
Write down in the first column below, two examples of information you already collect and record, or that you could collect and record, that links to the work you have done in the rest of the course about children’s rights. This could be information about individuals, such as their age or their medical history. It could be information about services, such as how often a person visits a health facility with the same problem or presenting complaint.
When you have at least two examples in the first column, try to answer the questions in the other three columns for each example. One row is completed as an example.
1. What information do you collect and record? | 2. Why do you collect this information? | 3. Who uses this information? | 4. What do they do with it? |
Frequency that individual children attend a clinic | To identify children who are at risk | Other health workers Clinic manager | Take action to investigate and protect children from harm |
Outputs and indicators are important tools to assist the process of monitoring. In particular, they allow progress towards an objective to be monitored.
Outputs are generated as a result of particular efforts or activities. For example, the effort of researching, writing and editing, has resulted in the production of these educational materials on children’s rights for health workers. The material produced is the output of the effort that has been made. The output contributes to the objective of educating health workers about child rights. Whether or not it delivers that objective is dependent on many other factors, for example, the time that health workers have to study the materials. Other examples of outputs include the number of people that have been trained on a topic, the number of children that have been vaccinated against a particular disease.
Outputs are the specific type and amount of goods, services or other measurable results, which are produced by specific activities or effort. Outputs are planned, are usually clearly observable and measurable, and should contribute to a particular objective.
Indicators, or success indicators, as they are sometimes called, can help to measure progress towards a specific objective in a consistent and objective manner. Indicators are generally agreed in advance of activities that aim to bring about change, so that the effect of these changes can be measured. Returning to our example above of the production of educational materials on children’s rights for health workers, a success indicator in this case might be that 50% of health workers have access to the materials. In your work, an indicator that is more challenging would be that violence against children is shown to reduce over a period of time.
Indicators are facts that provide an objective measurement for assessing the state or level or condition of something, usually in an area where there is a desire to see change.
If you studied Module 3, Study Session 2, you may remember Achen, a 14-year-old girl who visited a doctor complaining of headaches. During the discussion, she broke down and said that her father was sexually abusing her. However, she did not want you to do anything or tell anyone because it would cause many problems. Her mother would not believe her and if action was taken against her father, it would destroy the family and her mother would blame her.
The case dealt with the difficult decisions you may have to make as a health worker in determining what action to take in the best interests of a child. Now we are going to think about this situation in relation to monitoring. Later we will use the same case to think about evaluation.
Take a few minutes to think about the following questions and write down a sentence or two in response to each. Share your ideas if you are working in a group.
Compare your answers with the suggestions at the end of the session.
The purpose of evaluation is to determine if a desired objective has been achieved and the factors that led to that achievement. Evaluation provides an opportunity for reflection on what has worked well and what can be improved. It can also assist in identifying positive changes that can be made to services or practices to advance children’s rights. It can also avoid repeating activities that were ineffective. Look back at the planning cycle in Figure 2.1 to see where evaluation is in the process.
Evaluation is a structured assessment of the extent to which activities that have been undertaken have resulted in achieving a desired change. This may also include an assessment of the factors that led to success or failure of a particular project or activity.
The main focus for evaluation is on outcomes. You want to know whether the action you took led to a desired change. This can be illustrated by returning for the final time to our example of the production of these education materials on child rights for health workers. Evaluation is less concerned with outputs (e.g. the materials produced), or indicators (e.g. the proportion of health workers that have access to the materials), and much more concerned with outcomes. An important example of this would be whether health workers now have better knowledge of child rights and what difference this is making in their practice.
Outcomes are the measurable results of activities or projects. If planned outcomes are achieved, the activities or projects can be said to have been successful.
In relation to projects or any activity that aims to bring about a change, it is important to plan the evaluation at the same time as planning the project itself, not during or afterwards. This will allow you to measure results as you implement changes.
Monitoring might be carried out on a continuous basis or, at regular intervals such as monthly or quarterly; evaluation generally tends to have a longer time period. Projects that run for several years might typically include a planned evaluation at annual intervals.
It is important to know who has responsibility for monitoring and evaluation, and at what level these activities are taking place, and how the evidence produced can be used to bring about positive changes to practice.
Read the case study below and then answer the questions.
The East African Centre for the Empowerment of Women and Children (EACEWC) offers both education and health programmes in villages and communities. The Community Health Worker Programme consisted of a staff of ten health workers who went door-to-door each day to educate people about healthy practices, such as safe food handling and ways to prevent malaria. The first stage of the programme was evaluated as being successful because it reached 21,352 people in 6,745 homes in a single year. The initial success of the programme meant that it was integrated into the Kenyan government’s Community Health Plan, and the second stage involved training 50 volunteer Community Health Workers to expand the work and ensure it was less reliant on paid health workers.
Compare your answers to those at the end of the study session.
Look back at Figure 2.1 at the beginning of this study session. Evaluation is one part of a continuous process of improvement. As indicated earlier, improvements generally come about by learning from experience and learning can take place through effective monitoring and evaluation.
Effective evaluation can help us to:
Earlier in this study session, we looked at a case involving Achen, a 14-year-old girl who was experiencing sexual abuse. You learned about the importance and benefits of setting up monitoring systems and reporting the results of monitoring. Where monitoring shows there is a problem that is more widespread, it can lead to the introduction of a project to tackle this problem.
We are now going to think about evaluation of a project that is being set up to tackle child abuse in the community where Achen lives. The project will be delivered by community health workers, and managed by a paid health worker who will report to a senior health worker. The project is funded by a non-government organisation (NGO).
The project has three aims:
Before the project starts, it is important to decide what information will be collected, why, how it will be used and where different responsibilities lie? All the activities above are the outputs of the project, and the aim of the evaluation is to assess the outcomes. In other words, do these activities lead to an increase in reporting of cases, which can eventually lead to action that reduces child abuse in the locality.
Many projects, like this one, will try to establish what is known as ‘baseline data’. This means there is a good knowledge of the current situation before the project starts, so that the changes brought about by the project can be measured. In this case, one type of baseline data is that we know the average number of child abuse cases that are currently reported to health workers in a 12-month period.
The table below is adapted from one used by the children’s charity, UNICEF, and is an example of how to monitor and evaluate procedures related to child protection. The framework will remind you of the different aspects of monitoring and evaluation that was introduced earlier. You can use it again when you come to think about your own practice in the final section.
Information for the first project aim has been completed and some information added for the second and third aim. Can you complete the table?
Project aim | What do you need to know? | Indicator | Who will be responsible for monitoring? | How will the information be collected? | What will happen to the information? |
Aim 1: Increase reporting of child abuse cases | If the number of cases reported has increased | Number of cases reported will increase by 10% in the first year | Community health workers and paid health worker | Community health workers keep records and are collated by paid health worker | Reported to senior health worker for evaluation of project and reporting to the NGO |
Aim 2: Increase awareness amongst children | At least five schools participate in Year 1 and all distribute information to children |
| |
Aim 3: Increase knowledge amongst parents | If parents are actively engaging in the project What parents think about the classes |
Compare your answers to those at the end of the study session.
Child participation is increasingly being seen as good practice in community development programmes. As a result, children now participate in many programmes, not just when they start, but also in their planning and design. It is just as appropriate that children participate in the monitoring and evaluation of programmes that are intended to benefit them.
Involving children in monitoring and evaluation is important as children can provide a valuable source of information about their own needs and experiences. Parents and guardians may not be aware of all of their children’s individual circumstances, and children may not want to discuss some experiences with parents or other elders in their community. You will know from your study of Module 4, that children of all ages can be involved, providing the methods of involving them are age-appropriate.
As a health worker, you can involve children in ways that make them feel more respected. By listening to their views and taking them seriously, children are empowered and can reduce their dependence on others.
The UN Convention includes a number of articles that promotes children’s right to participation and to have their voices heard. You will have been introduced to these already if you studied earlier sessions.
Article 12 – Respect for the views of the child: When adults are making decisions that affect children, children have the right to say what they think should happen and have their opinions taken into account.
Article 13 – Freedom of expression: You have the right to find out things and share what you think with others, by talking, drawing, writing or in any other way unless it harms or offends other people.
Article 17 – Access to information: Children have the right to get information that is important to their health and well-being.
Children can be involved at a number of different levels, and their age, capacity and capabilities will have a bearing on what is feasible:
Child-directed activities represent the higher quality of involvement, but because of the requirement for additional time and capability in these activities, it is usually only possible to involve fewer children. Figure 2.2 represents these different levels of involvement, with the highest point representing fewer children involved in higher quality engagement.
Some of these tips and issues are discussed in more detail in Module 4. There are also some references at the end of this module.
A wide variety of child-friendly techniques can be used to enable effective participation by children in monitoring and evaluation. These include:
There is not room in this study session to explore all of these techniques in detail. One example – body mapping – can be seen below.
Body mapping can be used to explore changes in children’s views or experiences before and after their involvement in the programme. This tool is particularly useful for measuring outcomes when baseline information has been collected at the start of the programme. If baseline information was not collected, children can still be encouraged to reflect on changes arising from their participation ‘before and after’ the programme was implemented.
60–90 minutes
Sheets of A3 paper with an outline of a body drawn on them – one sheet for each child, one sheet of flipchart paper with an outline of a body drawn on it, different coloured pens and crayons, tape and Post-it notes.
Introduce the ‘before and after’ body mapping exercise that will enable girls and boys, individually and collectively, to explore changes in children’s lives or in children’s knowledge, behaviour or attitudes that are an outcome of their participation. These changes may be positive or negative, expected or unexpected.
Ask for a volunteer to lie down on the sheets so that the shape of their body may be drawn around. Draw around their body shape with chalk or (non-permanent!) pens.
Draw a vertical line down the middle of the body. Explain that this child is a girl or boy from their community. The left-hand side represents the child BEFORE their participation in the programme and the right-hand side represents the child AFTER their participation (now).
Explain that girls and boys will initially have the chance to think about and to illustrate changes arising from their participation in their individual body maps; after, they will have the chance to transfer their findings onto the big ‘body map’ to share key findings and experiences.
Give every child an A3 sheet of paper with the shape of a child’s body on it. The body is similarly divided by a vertical line down the middle. The left-hand side represents the child BEFORE their active participation in the programme and the right-hand side represents the child AFTER their participation (now).
Encourage each child to think about changes arising from their participation. Again, remind them that they can think about and record positive or negative changes. You can encourage them to think about the body parts to explore and to record before/after changes on Post-it notes. For example:
Give children time to draw or record these changes through words or images on Post-it notes on their body map.
After 20–25 minutes, encourage children to sit around the ‘big body map’ so they can share their individual findings and transfer them onto the ‘big body map’.
For each body part, encourage the children to share some of the changes they have recorded, if they feel safe and comfortable to share.
Encourage children to share expected and unexpected changes, positive and negative.
Ensure that all the children’s views are recorded in detail (but anonymously) by one of the evaluation team members.
In this study session you have learned what monitoring and evaluation are and how they can be used to advance children’s rights.
In particular, you have learned that:
In Study Session 1 you were asked to think about undertaking research into the barriers preventing mothers registering their babies and producing a plan for improving registration. How would you use monitoring to find out whether your plan had worked?
What is evaluation?
List three reasons why it is important to involve children in monitoring and evaluation.
It is not obvious from the case study, but in addition to measuring the number of people reached (outputs), information about the outcomes is important, for example whether the programme led to any reduction in health problems, such as food poisoning or malaria infection.
Project aim | What do you need to know? | Indicator | Who will be responsible for monitoring? | How will the information be collected? | What will happen to the information? |
Aim 1: Increase reporting of child abuse cases | If the number of cases reported has increased | Number of cases reported will increase by 10% in the first year | Community health workers and paid health worker | Community health workers keep records and are collated by paid health worker | Reported to senior health worker for evaluation of project and reporting to the NGO |
Aim 2: Increase awareness amongst children | If schools are actively engaging in the project | At least five schools participate in Year 1 and all distribute information to children | Paid health worker | Records of schools participating kept Records of leaflets distributed | Reported to senior health worker for evaluation of project and reporting to the NGO |
Aim 3: Increase knowledge amongst parents | If parents are actively engaging in the project What parents think about the classes | At least 50 parents attend the class for adults Percentage of parents that give positive feedback | Senior health worker | Records of number of parents participating Records of feedback from parents | Reported to senior health worker for evaluation of project and reporting to the NGO |
Aim 1 is the primary aim of the project. The project recognises that child abuse cannot be tackled or reduced unless it is reported. If the project is successful, the number of cases reported will increase. This is not an indication that child abuse cases are increasing, but that the reporting of them is increasing. The indicator for this aim, an increase in reporting by 10%, can only be measured if ‘baseline data’ has been established. Baseline data is knowing what the rate is before any action is taken. If there was no baseline data, then the percentage increase could be replaced with the number of cases reported, which can be measured without baseline data. All the community health workers and the paid health worker are involved in recording information and reporting it.
Aim 2 is primarily a measure of output rather than outcome. It is concerned with getting schools involved in the project so that children can be educated about their rights and know how to report abuse. Getting five schools involved in the first year is an indicator of success, but it will also be important to know they are giving children the information the project wants them to receive.
Aim 3 is also a measure of output rather than outcome. It is concerned with educating parents and other adults about children’s rights so they know how to identify signs of child abuse, and can take action to inform children about their rights and protect them from harm. In addition to reaching at least 50 parents through a class, it is important that parents report positive feedback because they are more likely to take the advice seriously if they have felt the experience was worthwhile.
For all of the aims, the senior health worker has a key role in analysing the information received, evaluating the project as a whole, and reporting progress, outputs and outcomes to the NGO funder.
An action plan is a list of key tasks that need to be undertaken in order to achieve a particular goal or bring about a particular change. An action plan states what needs to be done, by when, and by whom.
Action planning offers a number of important benefits when seeking to bring about change in children’s lives:
You could have identified any of the following characteristics of a good action plan:
If you are going to involve children you need to make sure that you have considered the following:
Your plan should have had a clear measure of success in terms of increasing the number of birth registrations. Through monitoring you will have found out the numbers of registrations before you started and then carefully kept track of the number after your plan had been put in place. Monitoring will give you a clear measure of whether the numbers are going up. If you set a specific indicator, for example a 10% increase then monitoring will show you if this has been achieved.
In the study session evaluation is defined as a structured assessment of the extent to which activities that have been undertaken have resulted in achieving a desired change. This may also include an assessment of the factors that led to success or failure of a particular project or activity.
There are lots of reasons why it is important to involve children in monitoring and evaluation. Your answer could have included:
Bonati, G. (2006) Monitoring and Evaluating with Children: A Short Guide, Plan Togo. Available at (Accessed 7 May 2014).
Lansdown, G. and O’Kane, C. (2014) A Toolkit for Monitoring and Evaluating Children’s Participation, Save the Children. Available at (Accessed 20 April 2014).
Morrow, V. (2009) The Ethics of Social Research with Children and Families in Young Lives: Practical Experiences, Working paper no. 53, Young Lives. Available at (Accessed 27 May 2014).
UNICEF (2002) ‘Children participating in research, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) - ethics and your responsibilities as a manager’, Evaluation Technical Notes, No. 1, UNICEF Evaluation Office. Available at (Accessed 7 May 2014).
This is one of five modules in the CREATE curriculum on children’s rights education for health care workers in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. It has been developed through a partnership between the MS Training Centre for Development Cooperation based in Arusha in Tanzania, The Open University in the UK and Child Rights Education for Professionals (CRED-PRO), an international programme committed to strengthening the understanding and application of children’s rights in professional practice.
We would like to thank the Oak Foundation in Geneva for its generous funding for the development of this programme and OPITO for additional funding to support advocacy and engagement activities.
CREATE was produced by a team of experts from the four participating countries, including representatives from government, academia, professional practice and the NGO sector. They were led in Child Rights Advocacy by Gerison Lansdown from CRED-PRO and trained and supported by experts in blended learning pedagogy from the CREATE team at The Open University. Many thanks to the governments and agencies who enabled them to participate. The authors are:
The contributors of original material are:
We would like to particularly acknowledge the additional material for this curriculum that was produced by TAMASHA in collaboration with District Youth Networks in Temeke (Dar es Salaam), Arusha and Magu. This was research conducted with young people by young people in Tanzania on their experiences of health care.
We would also like to thank those who acted as critical readers for the CREATE curriculum:
The CREATE Team are:
Photographs and illustrations:
All editing by Learning and Teaching Solutions at The Open University.
The opinions expressed in the CREATE materials are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the donor organisations whose generous support made the production of this material possible.
Grateful acknowledgement is made to the following sources:
Cover image: African children with Obama belt, ©
Every effort has been made to contact copyright holders. If any have been inadvertently overlooked the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.