A school leader describes the ways in which a student with a physical disability is successfully supported to participate fully in the school’s activities.
The school leader has a key role to play in ensuring that all students are included in the activities and opportunities available at their school. Physical disability, as in this video, is one condition that might exclude students from learning or from the facilities or resources at school.
But there are many other factors – such as social status, gender or visual impairment – that might lead to less favourable treatment. Are all the students in your school able to fully participate in learning? What can you do to reduce inequalities?
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- You may also want to read TESS-India’s School Leadership OER.
Related TESS-India School Leadership OER:
- Perspective on leadership: using data on diversity to improve your school
- Transforming teaching-learning process: promoting inclusion in your school
- Leading partnerships: engaging with parents and the wider school community
Related TESS-India Key Resource:
Involving parents