What to expect from Speech and Language Therapy

Lets find out more about going to speech and language therapy sessions: 

Speech and Language therapists are experts in helping people communicate. Lots of children need help from a speech and language therapist. When you get invited for speech and language therapy sessions, come to all the sessions offered. Let your speech and language therapist know if you cannot come. This is really important because lots of other children will also be waiting for help. 

Speech and language therapist will use the language pyramid we looked at earlier to decide what to help your child with. If they need help with the skills at the bottom of the pyramid, we will do this first and then work our way up to the top. 

In your sessions your speech and language therapist may ask you to do practice at home. It is really important for your child that you try to do this so they can learn to talk. Your speech and language therapist is here to help you so ask us any questions you have when you come to sessions.

Last modified: Thursday, 16 April 2020, 1:35 PM