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Assessing contemporary science

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This is a poster entitled ‘How long until it’s gone?’ showing the estimated decomposition rates of common marine debris items many of which are plastic items. The items and their decomposition rates are a paper tissue (3–4 weeks); newspaper (6 weeks); apple core (2 months); cardboard box (2 months); waxed carton (3 months); photo-degradable beverage holder (6 months); cotton shirt (2–5 months); plywood (1–3 years); wool socks (1–5 years); cigarette butt (1–5 years); plastic grocery bag (10–20 years); styrofoam cup (50 years); foamed buoy (50 years); tin can (50 years); aluminium can (200 years); plastic beverage holder (400 years); plastic bottle (450 years); disposable diaper (450 years); fishing line (600 years) and a glass bottle (undetermined).

 7.1 Some aspects of the science of plastics