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Training guide

7. Summary: Literacy across the curriculum

This course has provided a basis for continuing to develop learner-centred ways of working both in the classroom and with colleagues in your TGMs. Having worked your way through the course, why not revisit Activity 5.1 and review your own progress to support literacy and the actions at school level.

Activity 5.12: Reviewing school and personal action plans to support literacy

Activity 5.1 invited you to: ‘In your Teacher Notebook, write:

  • three actions you will take this term to support literacy in the school
  • two actions to support literacy in your own lessons.

You can make a poster of the three school actions to put in the staff room as a reminder for all teachers that literacy is everyone’s responsibility and to ensure you fulfil the actions by the end of term.’

Go back to those actions, and before the TGM, take some time to write your personal reflections on:

  • how you have supported literacy in your lessons, and
  • how you are all supporting literacy throughout your school.

In the TGM, share your reflections and discuss whether you can see a change in your approach and the school’s outcomes in literacy?

In the future, you could use one TGM at the end of the year to reflect specifically on the whole school approach to literacy and decide on what strategies to adopt in the following year to promote it with all teachers.

Following the model in previous courses, the purpose of the final activities is to reflect on what you have learned and to complete a short quiz to demonstrate your understanding of the key concepts around supporting literacy across the curriculum.

Activity 5.13: Reflecting on your professional development

On your own, look back through your Teacher Notebook and make a summary of some of the main things you have learned in this course.

What has helped you to learn? Are there any critical incidents that made a big impact on you? Think back to last term – write down any ways in which your lessons are different now.

Discuss your reflections with a colleague and set yourselves three targets each for next month. Think about the things that you think you need to improve and what you can do to achieve that improvement.

Activity 5.14: Reviewing your learning Quiz

Complete the quiz here

Learners in Mumbwa District, Central Province, Zambia


TESSA: Teaching early reading in Africa – with African Storybook, developed by The Open University's Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) programme in partnership with the South African Institute of Distance Education (SAIDE)'s African Storybook Initiative, with the generous support of the David and Elaine Potter Foundation.

IGATE: Improving Girls access through transforming Education, The Open University and World Vision Literacy and Numeracy Modules