Welcome to Teaching early reading in Africa – with African Storybook, a course that introduces you to active teaching approaches that you can use to teach early reading. You will have the opportunity to practise new approaches in your classroom in a structured and supported way.
We hope this course opens up possibilities for your teaching and gives you the confidence to experiment with new approaches. It provides ideas and tools that will enable you to become more expert in the field of early reading.
You can study on your own, or with a group of colleagues. If internet access is a problem, note that you can download all the course content (except for the quizzes) and study offline.
This course is free and gives you the opportunity to earn a digital badge as a recognition of your learning. To access the course materials, pass the quizzes and collect the badge, you’ll need to enrol. If you already have an Open University account, you need to sign in before you enrol. Otherwise, it’s easy to create one.
Once you’ve signed in, return to this page and refresh it by clicking on the refresh button in your web browser – this usually looks like a recycling icon that features one arrow in a circle pointing to its tail, or two arrows in a circle pointing to each other. This will update your status so you can enrol by clicking on the ‘Enrol’ button above. You are now enrolled and ready to start the course!
Teaching early reading in Africa is developed by The Open University's Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) programme in partnership with the South African Institute of Distance Education (SAIDE)'s African Storybook Initiative, with the generous support of the David and Elaine Potter Foundation.
For those who want to study collaboratively with colleagues or facilitate a course study group, the course facilitator handbook provides strategies, ideas and activities you can use to guide effective study sessions.