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Setting up the structure of your course

2. The topics format

Each topic contains a section/week of learning to make the progression through the course simple to follow, with additional topics used for resources or additional information at the start or end of the course.

This guide has been set up using the Topics section layout. Other examples of the topics format and how this looks on the course content page (the additional tab in the course layout which is generated when a topic is created) can be found at MND MDW Multi-disciplinary Working - making it effective for Motor Neurone Disease and any of the TESSA project courses.

The default is Topics format, so you should be able to add topics on the main course editing page, via the add topic button near the bottom of the screen.
To change to a different format

  1. Go to 'Edit settings'
  2. Click on 'Course format'
  3. Choose format
  4. You don't need to alter the 'Hidden sections and 'course layout' fields (these should say 'Hidden sections are completely invisible' and 'show one section per page')
  5. Save changes